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  1. Am I like Stupid or something? Where do i find the .exe he is writing about in the github @ThioJoe
  2. I thought the exclosure would be better, so i can easily run them in RAID
  3. Hello, i am quiet active in a youth organitation here in germany (doesnt matter which one). We are looking for a cloud, to store pictures of day trips and make them assescible to parents. Also we want something to work on documents together. OneDrive, Dropbox etc. are not an options due to data security concerns. I was immediately thinking about a nextcloud. i've never set one up yet, so i don't know how easy it is, nor what hardware to use. This is what i have thought of. Of Course it would be 2 RAM Sticks and 2 HDD's, we are just not sure, how much capacity we need. Is this an sensible configuration? How long would it take to set up? There is no cost in software, right? Thanks for the help in advance. Greeting from Germany!
  4. Almost everything compatible with Windows 7 works just the same with Windows 10. https://www.amazon.de/deleyCON-SATA-Kabel-S-ATA-Datenkabel-Rot/dp/B01F24PLLQ/ref=sr_1_9?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=sata+3+50cm&qid=1573920307&sr=8-9 You may need one of these, if you keep your hdd in and don't have a SATA Power Connector left free: https://www.amazon.de/Wentronic-Internes-Stromadapterkabel-Kupplung-Stecker/dp/B003ZA8UWM/ref=sr_1_8?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=17P01QAJZCHX&keywords=sata+power+splitter&qid=1573920390&sprefix=sata+power%2Caps%2C196&sr=8-8
  5. The SSD and Cable stay inside the case, you may just need a little bit longer SATA Cable, than you would need, when connesting to the MoBo directly.
  6. Then your fathers MoBo only has SATA I 1,5Gb/s, the one from Windows95 has SATA II 3Gb/s, so double the Speed
  7. I have a XEON CPU from the same time, and have no problems with SSD's. Any SATA SSD should be good (non M.2), try top stick to known brands, e.g. take the Samsung MZ-76Q2T0BW Your Motherboard only has SATA 2, so you will be only getting around 300MB/s, but it will still be faster than most harddrives, especionally when it comes to random access. You could install yourself something like this: https://www.amazon.de/Richer-R-Controllerkarte-Erweiterung-Windows7-Server2003-default/dp/B07D6GB9M3/ref=sr_1_15?keywords=PCIe+auf+SAta&link_code=qs&qid=1573918066&sourceid=Mozilla-search&sr=8-15 if you have PCIe Slots left, to fully profit from the Speed, a SSD will give you.
  8. Do I need a separate Cooler for the cpu or is the stock one enough?
  9. Current system: Xeon X3350 8GB DDR2 RX 570 8GB Corsair VS650 Some generic mid tower from 4 years ago Sandisk SSD PLUS 1. Budget & Location I am hoping to not spend more than 300€ (living in Germany). I don't wanna get a completely new system, only upgrading some parts. 2. Aim Gaming in 1080p on high setting. Currently in 60hz, thinking about upgrading to a 144hz one. i also wanna do 1080p video Editing, as well as photo editing 3. Monitors I am using either two 1080p monitors when gaming, or a 4K TV when consuming Movies or stuff) 4. Peripherals Don't wanna switch these out 5. Why are you upgrading? Having problems running games in 1080p. also having a really bad experience in Video editing. i was thinking about changing out CPU, Motherboard and RAM. I think my GPU will still be good for some time for me. i thought about a r5 2600 with a medium priced B450 motherboard and 16GB 3000mhz RAM (2x8GB). do you think I will be good with this? Would I be better with a r7 1700? would be an X370 MB better? is there anything I forgot about? thanks ps: sorry if I did something wrong, don't post here frequently.
  10. Hi, What Frames can i expect in GTA V in 1080p with the following setup: Radeon RX570 8GB Xeon X3350 8GB DDR2 I am asking, because this rig, outperforms the Specs Rockstar calls on the GPU side, but is at the Edge on CPU Side. Thank you