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  1. the parition does not appear to be visiable in windows disk manager
  2. I recently uninstalled ubuntu from my pc. It was located on the 2nd partition on my 2nd ssd (1st partition had mass storage for windows). I have just deleted ubuntu from my pc by deleting its parition (yes, i know probably bad idea) because I don't want it anymore. However, I have noticed that the grub bootloader used to launch linux is still on my 2nd ssd. How do I remove the grub bootloader on my second ssd without deleting the data I have on my first partition?
  3. will this do? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ASUS-AMD-ATI-RADEON-HD6670-2GB-GDDR3-GRAPHICS-CARD-GPU/233652988718?hash=item3666cdab2e:g:PXEAAOSwxoxfEh9f
  4. I recently saw the video where linus got a working macOS kvm with a intel cpu and amd gpu. I am aware that nvidia gpu is not supported. My question is: because i don't have an amd gpu but an nvidia gpu is it possible to pass througn the intel igpu instead? If so, how?
  5. just curios how carriers lock their handsets so people can only use them with their network? Is the phone locked when the sim card is first put in, or do the carrier actually open up the box of the phone and add some firmware then repackage it?
  6. I have a server address (\\blzfile01.blz.local\wrk$) - how do I work out the web address
  7. Maybe. I don't need to do a remote desktop though I just need the files. Can I map my works network drive?
  8. No my work does use teamviewer they use cisco remote desktop how do I download this?
  9. Hi. So I forgot to upload some files from works network drive to my onedrive for over the weekend and I am need to get the work done in the weekend. I have heard that people use remote desktop or are able to map their work network drive to do this. does anyone know how to do this