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  1. @Beer_Nontitju Thanks alot for detailed explanation. Thats was very helpful for me
  2. G-sync is an extra 200$, that's why it's so disputed. personally, and this is really just me, I'd rather buy a cheap non gaming monitor and sacrifice that 10-20 ms, but only because I'm cheap and broke and not american

  3. Why are gaming displays so expensive? G-sync and Free-sync have been arounf for quite some time now and the only new tech in displays is the VA or IPS panel and the HDR. and yet we see that the VA and IPS panel cost without G-sync or free-sync are relatively ceaper than the ones with. What is the reason behind this? I want to buy a gaming monitor with G-sync in near future. I am just wondering if it is really worth it to spen 800 bucks on a monitor.