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Everything posted by Jedibrysen

  1. I think it’s mostly to do with power draw from the bios. The strix I don’t think has a power limit which is super nice
  2. Once they are back in stock I want to know which 3080 to get. The strix has high boost better cooling but also a $100 higher price I mainly want to know if it’s worth the extra cost. I’m currently upgrading from an MSI rtx 2080 gaming x trio. What other benefits does the Strix provide over the TUF or should I just save that $100 and go for the TUF. I really just want the best performance card without breaking the bank.
  3. Killer is the best option according to a lot of people
  4. My Intel Ethernet slot recently has been having Packet Loss issues and I have come to the conclusion it is my Motherboards etherent. what motherboards come with Killer™ Ethernet E3100 or what pcie cards should i look into? im looking into pure gaming. If there is a motherboard with it ill probably just upgrade to a z490 from a z390.
  5. Most people care more about single thread
  6. Amd can’t beat intel gaming performance and they can’t beat Nvidia
  7. I mean the leakers are usually very close. Trust me it isnt going to be double. And plus I like Nvidia inspector. Amd doesn’t have anything like that. I also like Nvidia control panel a lot better.
  8. the thing is they wont leaked performance shows $600 for a card in between 3070 and 3080 smh
  9. So keep my 2080 and wait a couple months
  10. i would keep the card but my father cant pay me for working right now because of legal issues. he owes me a couple hundred
  11. I have an MSI rtx 2080 gaming x trio. And i want to get the 3080 but im not sure when to sell my current card should i do it right now for the best price i can get or wait for benchmarks and lose 50-100$. I want to get the FE 3080 because of the new cooling. and if i sell my 2080 i have to use a 1050ti
  12. Good for gaming at all? Ooof there Bluetooth
  13. what are some top wireless gaming headphones around $120-$200? dog just broke my current DT990 Pros i dont need a mic so quality doesnt matter also dont need that 7.1 bs just stereo. Also no Bluetooth headphones
  14. damn guess ill just wait for the 11th gen cpus or 10th price to go down