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  1. BTW Sauron you were not rude in any way but as I was replying I read a reply that was.
  2. Capitalism at its purest form leads to anarchy, and socialism in its totality leads to everybody has the same with the exception of the people that choose who gets what that is how I compare it..... the "New World Order" statement was more of a satirical statement than anything however there's a slight truth to it as the globalist mindset which also shares the socialistic mindset is what leads to these huge corporations saying that their property is not to be altered even though you bought it. Open source is basically free trade so yes it is how you fight it but Quiet pieces of legislation like the one stated in my original post are the exact reason that people hate capitalism(for me its a politician, that is not even supposed to carry that name but should be a public servant) because it was some big fat corporate hog who paid for Bill Clinton to sign that piece of toilet paper into law but what they don't seem to understand is, the same people that are crying capitalism is evil, are denying the inevitable fact that it is also the only form of social exchange of goods that leads to prosperity(that does not involve forced labor) there's not one other form known to man. Although I hate it, regulation is a necessity, because of absolute greed and of course absolute power corrupts absolutely(Libertarians and Conservatives read edumicated too). Anyone that argues the aforementioned point of Capitalism and prosperity, will almost, always use an if. Please if anyone has a more simple way, that is not emotionally driven or volatile, I am all ears. In the end, we can all say whatever our opinion is and debate over a philosophy but it's still survival of the fittest no matter what. All I originally was doing was ranting about the business that I've been in over 20 years of selling cars, and trying to relate it to computers (hobby to me) but I was just making a statement about what's next and being sarcastic however the internet being what it is, I'll leave you with this...... money is power and power is corrupt, so if knowledge is power we are all corrupt to some extent and in some way to me my ways better than yours is I didn't get on here trying to tell somebody how to think I was just stating my opinion but thank you for yours have a nice day.
  3. Belated welcome to the forums! That was a great first post :)

  4. This community amongst most probably understands that there are several different ways around proprietary crap, whether that be a Lenovo, a Dell or an HP and so-on but there are ways around that ridiculous proprietary fan headers and I will damn well do as I please with what I own!........(RIGHT?) Unlike my hopes 3 yrs ago when this arose or came to my attention, the slow and steady seizure of property and our ability to do what we see fit with our own things is being stolen. I don't know if you have read it in the news or not but you don't own your car anymore even title in hand. It Ain't yours, you're just licensing it! Thank you GM and John Deere(everyone else is following), don't believe me here's a link "NOT YOURS" and there's much more to read as now nearly every major manufacturer aren't jumping ship but they are throwing down anchor. Please, one of you explain to me how this Digital Millennium Copyright act of 1998 , is not a huge mistake (I would even say New World Order type evil). Soon we will not be allowed to overclock our CPU..... or mix an EVGA PSU with an ASUS MoBo, and the socialist dream will be a reality!!! Meanwhile we will all be rocking a locked Core 2 Duo with Nvidia Vanta 16Mb Vga Out on a 19" LCD with a 3hr limit due to power restrictions(except Linus B/C he is Linus). Rant over but wake up, "You can not change your future for the better without positive action today!"... Chris Fruchey 2018