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  1. 6+ hours of 99% utilization means playing fucking games not furmark.
  2. buy new cheap or dont bother, could be trashed and you wouldnt know till you load a 6+ hour stress test
  3. +1 for the zens here but you need good ram 3000 or better 3200-3400 is ideal
  4. honestly just get a 2700 plus some good 3200 and oc it.
  5. 1600x oc are a good cpu or 2600 drop in a older board.
  6. Does this apply to windows 10 as well? https://www.tomshardware.com/news/openbsd-disables-intel-hyper-threading-spectre,37332.html OpenBSD, an open source operating system that focuses on security, announced that it will disable Intel’s Hyper-Threading (HT) feature so that attackers can no longer employ Spectre-like cache timing attacks. Intel Hyper-Threading Vulnerable To Side-Channel Attacks Simultaneous Multi Threading (SMT) such as Intel’s HT technology typically share translation lookaside buffers (TLBs) and L1 caches between threads, which can make a type of side-channel attack called cache timing attacks much easier.
  7. remember a rx480/580 is a 2 year old card, sure 1080p is fine now but when next gen drops in 2020 you'll have to upgrade again, if you can get a better faster card cheaper do so.
  8. my 1080 boosts to 2ghz core stock and its still pretty slow in 4k even 1440p games i have to turn shit down to get 60-120fps+
  9. i saw older titans go cheaper then that, maybe snag one of those 2015 ones.
  10. im selling my 1080 to upgrade to a 1080ti Only worth around $500-600 used so keep a look out, 1060 is piss weak i played around with friends 1060 2ghz clocked ones they are slow.
  11. gpus fucked, get a 1080ti for 700usd or cheaper mate
  12. sorry what wont turn on the gpu or the whole system>?