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  1. TisBc - Username. Twitter : https://twitter.com/TisMeBc/status/580386992510214144 FAV Videos: https://www.vessel.c...ideos/MI7F0u2H8 https://www.vessel.c...ideos/DkWN4qqW1
  2. im running with a blue yeti, have been for years man. threw a 10 dollar pop filter on it and a desk mount mic arm. its been amazing, haven't moved it out of cardioid since I bought it. links to err thang less the blue windscreen because it serves only the purpose of attracting cat and dog hair http://www.amazon.ca/Blue-Microphones-Yeti-USB-Microphone/dp/B002VA464S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1421845830&sr=8-1&keywords=blue+yeti http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00FXKCW4E?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00 http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00D78W20I?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00 http://www.amazon.ca/Sennheiser-HD-558-Headphones/dp/B004FEEY9A/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1421845862&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=hd558 http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00KR9X2WM?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00 whole setup at the time ran me real cash, at the time the blue yeti was 200 and the hd558 was around 250 + the stand popfilter and such id say I put in around 6 after all the shipping and tax But less we forgot, we all sound good enough for skype. KNOW YOUR SCOPE.
  3. after doing a lot of research and comparing a sh*t ton of charts ive come to a conclusion on what are the best ( at least in benchmarks around the net ) AIO's In NO particular order H105 Kraken x61 H100i Nepton 280l H220x/H240x these are based on performance not silence, but if your choice is on that list then just get what ever you think looks the best or is the cheapest at the time, the performance gain from any of these is so low it really doesn't matter. they are all the best in their class. so say the charts Ive heard amazing things about the Raijintek Triton : http://www.ncix.com/detail/raijintek-triton-all-in-one-cpu-liquid-94-100817.htm but people have been saying the install is a b*tch and the tubes can kink and build condensation. I don't know much about it but apparently it is the BEST performing AIO but there isn't enough benchmarks out there for me to verify this
  4. so ive hunted the net in search of as many cooling benchmark results as possible and the only constants ive found across 50+ charts have been the h100i, netpton 280l and kraken x61, please let me know what you mean by installed correctly in reference to the h100i
  5. Oh no that's terrible, at least corsair gave the guy 400 bucks for the damages and a new cooler, but man that's a horror story but ya im just looking for performance, noise/money are not an issue. I just want what cools best whether it be an air cooler with amazing fans or a liquid cooler, but I do not want to put forward the effort of a custom loop sadly I feel that is just not for me
  6. I haven't heard of many people reporting on leaking AIO's tbh I feel that is very unlikely to happen Ill definitely put that on the list of possibilities thank you man
  7. Hey guys I run a 1150 socket mobo with a v71 case so compatibility is virtually a non issue and I have cash to drop so price is virtually a non issue. What would be the top tier 5 best performing all in one liquid cooling solutions for an overclocked cpu ( in this case a 4690k ) currently im running the stock cooler and have a coolermaster 212+ sitting on my spare mobo, I could always use that but I'm interested in the benefits of a aio cooler. ew right stock cooler? meanwhile my max temp (prime95 for 15 ) on my cpu running stock has been 80 (usually in game max temp is 60-65) C and idle is less than 34 C on the hottest core, Its only when running overclocked I run into temp issues with even a 4.0ghz oc i get too close to tjmax for my liking. Id love to see what you guys think is the best performance aio cooler Price/Compatibility/noise are non issues, pure performance> Ive looked online and all ive been able to find are sites with only corsair h100i's at the top now that cant be right can it? I was under the assumption the x61 or h240x were the real beasts so if u guys could give me close to a top 5 so i can compare results thatd be awesome also wondering if I could just use some electrical tape to cover up that red led on that sound card Thank you in advance
  8. man this is awesome, I remember watching your vids back in 09. I'm honestly really happy for you and your team linus. I think if there was any youtube crew that id like to meet it would be the tech tips crew. You guys rock.
  9. ahhh, my gpu has terrible heating and an extremely loud turbine so i just have it with a custom msi afterburner fan controller setup. I oced it once but then realized it was such a pos that i should just stay at stock made a quick vid for you. using my webcam mic instead of my blue yeti ,so its terrible. the pc is under my desk
  10. im running the newest drivers, whats your setup? and have you ever experienced this? ive been experiencing it in a few games now for the past year or so. I'm more curious as to why its happening. and why the hardware seems to not be utilized past a certain thresh hold. im sure if I upgraded my entire machine it would be a non issue. but If i can isolate it to being an issue with just my oldish graphics card and amd drivers than I can just go and nab a 880 ti when they come out without having to immediately upgrade my cpu/mobo. which I can always do at a later date assuming the right deal comes along
  11. 1080p aa off, most settings low. odly enough regardless of the settings ina select few games the performance is the same. of course this varies from game to game
  12. maybe you guys can help me out, so in the hardline beta and even bf4 my gpu usage is never maxed, it usually hovers around like 40-50 percent if not less. sometimes spiking to almost 70%. my cpu usage on my 6 cores is never more than 40 % on any core. my ssd is not being maxed and my ram is not maxed either. yet I only get around 35-50 fps. ive messed with the settings and such but nothing seems to change. My question is, if my gpu/cpu/ram/ssd are not maxed why is my performance low? cpu is a phenom 2 x6 1055t thuban 1.575 volt at 2.8ghz boost to 3.1 gpu is a amd hd HIS 6970 ram is 8 gigs of 1333 ssd is the samsung 840 happens in other games too but not very many. off the top of my head.... warframe if anyone can help or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. I fully understand if its my older hardware just not being optimized or what not but if you know or have dealt with this before I would very much appreciate any constructive feedback