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  1. yes, however, i have cablemod cables and the +2 wires run seperately all the way back to the modular psu. so I am unsure which +2 belongs to which 8 pin pci power connection. psu end connected with 8pins but the 2 are detatched from the 6pin connector at gpu end.
  2. yes, however, i have cablemod cables and the +2 wires run seperately all the way back to the modular psu. so I am unsure which +2 belongs to which 8 pin pci power connection.
  3. I just upgraded to a gpu requiring 2x 8 pin from 2x 6pin and I cannot tell which +2 wires go to which pci power cable without dissasembly and following the cables. Does it matter? Thx!
  4. I personally own a logitech MX570, it is of track-thumb-ball (?) design which actually has a very short learning curve, accomodates a decent range of hand sizes and minimizes much of the gliding drift of the cueball sized ancestors. Linus reviewed the MX Ergo back in October, which is the update on the same form factor. Another good avenue of goog-fu should have you check out some 6-dof devices such as 3D Connexion's lineup; of particular note if you do design or other production work.
  5. Hello LTT community and thanks for supporting such a great forum for both new and old tech and understanding. I'm posting (and finally joined the forum) to raise further interest in a topic Linus Tech has actually had an amazing track record in covering-accessibility. I was hoping to get some LTT folks' feedback on Microsoft's announcement of their upcoming XBOX Adaptive Controller. Do you think this will signify a larger shift toward viewing the needs of all players for the gaming hardware industry as a whole or will this be another Sidewinder kicking up a little dust before blowing away? This is a personal topic of conversation for me as well, while serving in the US Navy, stationed overseas, my hand was crushed by several hundred lbs (for my Northern kinfolk thats just less than half again as many hundreds of kilos) of brass during transport. Several surgeries, an earthquake and subsequent radiological disaster later I'm honorably discharged after 8 amazing years of service with a fused left thumb, a really itchy carpal tunnel surgery scar, range of motion issues and cannot use a gamepad for longer than about an hour or I get all Tom Hanks from Saving Private Ryan; my Tom Hands as I likes to calls them :-\ . I proudly tout the PC Gaming Masterrace now- but it wasn't a willing conversion. Input device restrictions on the console side left me choosing between expensive and T.o.S.-sketchy hardware translation options which hacked gamepad hardware to allow M&K or a scant handfull of custom shops making accessibility devices at a high premium due to the lack of standardization. This quandry led me to building my first two PCs, learning to love the 2500k, and dancing the Arduino two-step to get various generations of hardware work under Windows 10 with such unusual setups as the HOGAS :-P (hands-on-gamepad-and-stick) or my unparralled joy at unearthing a cellophane sealed Sidewinder Strategic Commander at a garage sale. It seems that the console winds are changing though, with Microsoft announcing their new XBOX Adaptive Controller. But questions about M&K on XBOX Live implementation and how broadly compatible the Controller will be with 3rd-party devices still are in the air, along with the broader industry response. I for one have the best of hopes for getting back to fragging back on the Live range at best and at least to improve my gameplay comfort and playability (joypad emulation lag anyone?) Thanks for sticking with me, on my first and very long post. I hope that I haven't come across as a Redmond fanboy, they have course-corrected too many times to count and have made some disturbing choices in their hardware peripheral history. Still Microsoft have maintained a consistant high quality when it comes to their ergonomic devices. Let me know what you folks think and maybe we can get a hands-on review video; I've been following the site since 2014 and first discovered Linus Sebastian on the informative NCIX videos.