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  1. Hello everyone, I have a question which is, what program or software do video editors use to send videos to their clients and back? For example, I was hired to edit some YouTube videos for a client (overseas). What would be the best method for both of us to use that won't affect losing video quality and so on? Is google drive the best option to use so far? I would like to know your opinions about this. Cheers,
  2. Hey guys, Just wanted to know your opinions and advice for me getting my first DSLR camera. I want to use this for both recording video and taking photo's and yeah, I heard that the 18-55mm lens is good as I can take macro shots and long shots..idk http://www.argos.co.uk/product/5309579?cmpid=GS001&_$ja=tsid:59158|cid:200291090|agid:12525697850|tid:aud-144400486596:pla-186065772530|crid:66128556290|nw:g|rnd:1183720989250445774|dvc:c|adp:1o1|mt:|loc:9045954&gclid=Cj0KCQiAieTUBRCaARIsAHeLDCQvu5tmblZGEve3X6Y1wycSNx04NSpiBOPSEkReSgP2TtNn-_qAZwkaAoQDEALw_wcB Any advice would be appreciated
  3. the problem is that I brought this pc prebuilt and it did not come with a windows disk or usb......so how would I re-install?
  4. A program called FACEIT which is an anti-cheat software for csgo
  5. Hey everyone, I have encountered this problem for quite a while now and it is that whenever I boot up my pc, it tells me to wait a couple of seconds or it will scan and repair my C drive. I tried fixing this but I cannot get rid of this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. http://prntscr.com/jh7tip It wouldn't allow me to do anything, when i pressed initialise....
  7. Hello everyone, I currently have a Windows 10 pc with one hard drive which is 2TB. Not long ago I found my old laptop hard drive 2.5" and decided to install it into my pc. So I did that, connected it to the SATA 3 port, hooked it up to power and boom it showed up on windows as a second hard drive. Ok, this is where it gets weird. I shut down my computer and when I turn it on again to see my pc (in windows) it doesn't show up? Windows basically is deciding when it see's the hard drive and when it doesn't. Or is it because not enough power is being supplied? I really don't know and would appreciate if anyone could help me out. Cheers,