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  1. So if I remember correctly, the Microsoft Store, which technically isn't the same as the Xbox store, doesn't charge 30% anymore, by default it's 15% I think and can be as low as 5% in certain circumstances: https://9to5mac.com/2019/03/06/microsoft-store-revenue-share/ As for the Xbox Store and Playstation store, I think also Sweeney has said is the reason they didn't go after those is because the console makers normally sells their consoles at a loss with the expectation of making some of that back through the game sales. See the first Update on this article: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/08/as-epic-attacks-apple-and-google-it-ignores-the-same-problems-on-consoles/
  2. Kind of disappointed that Luke and James just skipped over the MS topic after Linus's epic rant about it last week.