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should i write something about modern LLC and how 50% load efficiency is a big load of bullshit?


unrelated cute Hayoung face


  1. MEC-777


    Can't hurt. And show folks the efficiency curve of modern PSUs and how most of them are fairly flat from 10-90% load (above 85-90% efficiency).

  2. LukeSavenije


    @MEC-777 yeah... i was planning on those already, maybe some old ones to show how the myth has formed... i'll see what i can do


    and as a mod you probably soon can as well anyways


  3. trevb0t


    I'd like to see as much data as possible on that :) 

    I'm also always curious how much wattage overhead you want if you plan to overclock CPU/RAM/GPU

  4. LukeSavenije


    oh... believe me


    i'm already at over 100 pages of sources
