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  • Gender
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    Somewhere between Allison's room and Hell.
  • Occupation
    Teacher of Humanities


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    sorry don't get paid enough

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  1. how am i not on negative rep

  2. Guys please calm down I only meant it as a joke
  3. @tmcclelland455 so things like VMware?
  4. Linus uploaded a video called AMD EPYC Server - up to 4 TERABYTES of RAM! but I don't honestly see the purpose of 4TB of RAM. Like 500GB was tops for me, but 4TB? Unleash all your rage at me down in the replies.
  5. @AshleyAshes @Crunchy Dragon rethinking my life choices...
  6. @Brink2Three man I wish I paid more attention in Physics! I sat in a table of girls and was distracted focusing on my pen
  7. How would the malware actually get on user's Mac OS? According to the article about the permission to install, should the user not have been alerted of this? Surely there must be some smart people out there? (aka people who use linustechtips.com)
  8. As teardrops fall from linus69's eyes, sorry I flopped GCSE and A-level English that's the best I can do
  9. What if the radiator warms up (ie I take a brulee torch and warm it up) #professional_tech_2k17
  10. If a water cooler is meant to cool down parts with cold water, does the warm energy not move into the water stream and thus make the water warm? And if the water cools down, where would it cool down? In a corner? -Confused linus69
  11. new homepage: linustechtips.com

    ?EST WE?PAGE E?ER!!111!11!!11!! 100%%5%%%55%% PERCENT TRUU!!!11!!!!!!11!!

  12. Just did a quick Google search and found this from the Adobe forums. According to that, Adobe software needs to install on the same drive as the operating system (I find this quite stupid) as it is reliant on the stuff there?? I am quoting this from the site: This might not work for you as you are using Adobe CC but try it out anyways. Here is the link to the thread: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1019379