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  1. well thats your preference (again sorry for that "rough" response)
  2. well linux in general has a problem with displays (mine is lubuntu too and i cant dim) so if you cant fix it try buying an vga to dp adaptor(?)
  3. until that gets solved you could change your desktop enviroment to something else or reinstall the enviroment.
  4. well (i think) android does not support intel celeron (or any non-arm cpu) so instead of android you could install kodi or something else. and i dont think that chromebox would support 4k because that celeron is old (from 2015). ram might be enough but the celeron would not handle it beacuse it doesnt have it own gpu and if i get reallly optimistic that cpu barely does 1440p (assuming you un it with hdmi) in native resolution and thats according to the datasheet (link: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/processors/core/5th-gen-core-family-datasheet-vol-1.html) BUT! i might be wrong here
  5. well you could use an arm port of arch linux or lubuntu or fedora arm. The real question is your personal tastes and your phones specs.
  6. gtfo. (that might have been to rough for you though. sorry!)
  7. i think give her the laptop and an ring they are hard to find these days (talking about your girlfriend of course)
  8. hi. so this is an follow up to the "low-spec intel learning shall rise!!" post i did a long time ago and i can say more things. lets get started. 1. the heat so the heat. i said an cozy 80 C now it is currently 61 C (no it didnt start now) and lowest temp was 51 C and it was running a long time 2. youtube and web i said 360p in youtube now it is 480p and that post was right after i got linux 3.the os no it is still lubuntu but instead of 17.10 it is running 18.04 "bionic beaver" and it is the same 4.screen brightness well i cant dim it 5. the laptop version so i did not knew the hardware version of the pc. it is E11IS1 but the color is blue. here is the link to it: http://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSite/Product/Product_SPEC.aspx?DetailID=1183&CategoryID=3&DetailName=Feature&MenuID=93&LanID=0 so that wraps it up for now i am still using it today it runs well and if you are planning to get an "dirt" cheap pc which has plenty of storage for linux/coding etc. use that is an good candidate for that and until next time sam out.
  9. yes. but still it can run 480p and thats good for an computer desinged for an low income/devoloping country
  10. well that might be true but it holds good on lubuntu (shining in ram)
  11. so, here i begin with some old laptop. from 2008. first there is the intel company and "learning" intel wanted to make a laptop that was cheap and educate the people from low income devoloping countries and they got "intel education series laptops" and i am writing on one now (note that i have good laptop sitting on my desk infront of me) they had intel atoms (i have and n455) and the temps seem good idle at 55 and at load it sometimes gets to 75 they had 1 gb of ram (maybe more or less) and they looked like...warputers? (bad joke i know) exept color and i wanted make them everyday computers because they are portable and light(kinda) so first i needed to install an better os because the stock win7 was lagging a bit when multiple programs ran together i wanted to install an linux distro (because linux is life) and lubuntu was (problably) the best choice because of the ram usage i discovered that the bios only accepts img files so i used an external launcher to launch the iso file it installed good ( and i had 400 gb ) configured and here i am... HERE GOES THE EXAMINATION on youtube it ran good exept it can barely run 360p(? it may depend) on normal browsing it holds up good i need your results and tests and lets build up a communuty thx for reading this long post