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  1. Thanks for the feedback, will buy this config then.
  2. Yep, I'm going with Windows. The website I'm using from is a site called edbpriser.dk, it lets me find the cheapest vendors of the given items, actually you can use it too, it's interface is quite friendly. DarrenP: thx, info noted. any recommendations while staying in the budget?
  3. Hey fellas! I am about to build a PC config dedicated for video editing in Premiere Pro, I am on the budget of 800 usd (I'm living in Denmark though, approx 4300 dkk) and I already have a case, hard drive, screen and peripherials for my needs. On youtube I found this video by Austin Evans, but as the video is outdated (8 months old) and it's good to have further opinions too I wonder what you would recommend. The rig he was suggesting in May 2013 is the following: CPU: AMD FX-8350 Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-D3 GPU: EVGA GTX 650Ti Boost RAM: 8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 Power supply: 500W Corsair CX500 I checked the exact same parts locally and it summed up to approx 720 usd, with 16 gigs of ram it would be around 800 usd. I'm wondering if any parts are worth changing or if there any better deals around. Also, I don't have an SSD yet, I'm planning to get that later. Thanks for your recommendations in advance! Derango