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  1. i5 8400 is great for gaming, the B360 mobo should be out pretty soon so it will make a great budget combo.
  2. You can download ram, everybody knows that.
  3. 300 pound seems a bit heavy for a monitor.....
  4. My friend Buildzoid would like to differ
  5. I read somwhere that the Asrock Pro4 had pretty much the best VRM for B350 if it matter to you.
  6. yeah for 50$ it's a pretty good CPU and will hold anything up to a 1060 3gig imo.
  7. You can just put a cheap i5 2400 and you will be golden for a bit at least https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Intel-Xeon-E3-1220-3-1GHz-5-GT-s-Quad-Core-CPU-Processor-SR00F-LGA1155/32656897326.html?spm=2114.search0302.3.37.656310d7CEsBWE&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_0_10130_10152_10151_10139_10618_10059_10696_10534_10313_10084_100031_10083_10547_10624_10623_10307_10548_443_10341_10065_10340_10068_10343_10342_10103_10620_10344_10622_10621,searchweb201603_0,ppcSwitch_0&algo_pvid=abec2232-02ec-46eb-9049-c0f4b2cfb361&algo_expid=abec2232-02ec-46eb-9049-c0f4b2cfb361-4
  8. Put it in your b... ohhh yeah nevermind.
  9. Get a win 10 pro license from ebay for like 5$ ?
  10. It's down everywhere for everything, dont expect profit like december for a long time IMO, you can still check mining pool hub and awesome miner
  11. Have you trieddddd reinstalling windows ?
  12. i'm sitting on 18 R9 280x ;(
  13. i'd say look for a prebuilt at this point haha