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  1. The most Billet Labs could get out of a lawsuit would be the cost of the block. They would almost certainly burn more money on lawyers than they would get. Especially since LMG has reimbursed them already.
  2. While there were a lot of mistakes only 1 thing gave the story any legs and that was the auction of the water block. If that one thing doesnt happen, the whole story dies before Madison talks her bit on Twitter, heck Steve might not have even posted his original video if that didnt happen.
  3. If i had to guess why, in the video Steve generally gives an example of why they don't contact a company and gives a long explination as to why that is the case and give some evidence. In the case of LTT they make a ton accusation in like 10 seconds but no explanation or evidence. Granted i only watched about 70% of the video so maybe they added it onto the end after that segment.
  4. Why? A name doesn't matter if the owner changes and the quality falls off a cliff.
  5. No amount of money would be right. If it is too small it wouldn't be worth it and if it was a large amount it would result in real world fraud allegations, jail time and the dissolution of the company. There are things money just can't buy.
  6. You all realize LMG and Linus are small fries compared to the companies these types of investigators often work with right? They are not going to be able to bribe them one way or the other.
  7. Colton has also by all account done a reasonable job for the better part of a decade (I don't remember if he has been there for longer). A single rather bad failure like this is not going to sink him nor is there any guarantee his replacement will be better. Furthermore an organization that has weak processes, like LMG, is going to feel that loss of institutional knowledge a lot harder than one with strong processes.
  8. Linus can neither force or prevent his staff from unionizing. It is a decision entirely up to them.
  9. I don't actually watch LTT videos, I usually only listen to the audio at 2x speed. When Luke said that it sounded kind of weird, the change in tone and all. Going back and looking at it, I can see why it was taken as a sex joke. Heck it probably is one as 6 9s of uptime amount to less than a minute of downtime per year which is great for almost any online platform but especially one as small as floatplane.
  10. Minus James joke at the end, it is a bog standard HR meeting that happens across hundreds of offices around the world every day. I should know, I sit through one every year.
  11. Oh wow. I'm so used to dealing with uptime that the joke went completely over my head and I though they were aiming for a ridiculously high level of uptime for floatplane.
  12. Dude is asleep. It's not even 7 am where he is.
  13. LMG is Canadian. There are government channels she can still go through right now before she needs to sue.
  14. While a lot of complaints are valid, one i don't get is about the power imbalance in meetings with her manager. How are you supposed to get around that in a meeting? You are always going to have that regardless of where you work, unless you don't have a boss at all. That aside the SA claims are serious and should be handled appropriately.
  15. Canada is a halfway point between the US and western Europe in that regard. Far stronger worker protection than the US but weaker than France.