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  1. im not entirely sure myself what im trying to ask, but my question is, are those two psu's compatable with at least an HDD, and SDD harddrive? i assume SATA cables is whats used for the SSD and HDD
  2. some extra info, I have yet to have the case delivered and i have not dismantled my pc yet,
  3. I have a prebuilt pc currently and have purchased the B550 Tomahawk Motherboard (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089CWDHFZ?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1), the problem is that the psu im looking to buy (https://www.amazon.com/Thermaltake-Certified-Continuous-cooling-PS-SPD-0500NPCWUS-W/dp/B07F9YFYLZ/ref=d_pb_allspark_dp_sims_pao_desktop_session_based_sccl_2_2/146-9480511-9611748?pd_rd_w=ELNhT&content-id=amzn1.sym.6b5008ac-c24a-4aea-a3ea-015a531184f5&pf_rd_p=6b5008ac-c24a-4aea-a3ea-015a531184f5&pf_rd_r=9SVKRV68D41DFDZ430Y5&pd_rd_wg=WSMXo&pd_rd_r=04c8142c-db4b-4875-84af-b94c6363ad68&pd_rd_i=B014W3EM2W&th=1) OR THIS PSU (https://www.amazon.com/Thermaltake-Skylakes-Japanese-Capacitor-PS-SPD-0750MNFABU-1/dp/B08DHP4FKT/ref=psdc_1161760_t4_B083LH5QCN?th=1) i had no idea if it has the needed cables for The SSD 1tb, and the 1TB HDD harddrives i have. If needed, i have a ryzen 5 3600, GTX 1660 Super, 2 Stock case fans, 1SSD, 1HDD, M.2, Cpu cooler. my current PSU is not compatable with this motherboard so i need to know if these will work
  4. Ok what about the space in the middle. I saw that the first stick I refunded that didn’t line up? the space in the pins
  5. Ok so I would need a motherboard with 288pin ram slots ddr4? And if ddr5 is a good price I’ll just switch
  6. So I had bought a stick of ram just like any other and I had it refunded due to the connectors(the gold thingys at the bottom of ram) not matching the motherboards correct whatever. the ram that works is in this link https://www.amazon.com/HyperX-Fury-3200MHz-HX432C16FB4AK2-32/dp/B08N5LL18D?ref_=ast_sto_dp but I was wondering what type of motherboard I would have to buy in order to keep my ram after upgrading. And due to having a prebuilt I have not found a way to find the type of motherboard that came with the prebuilt if it helps then my specs are ryzen 5 3600 1660super 16gb ram 1tb hdd 1tb sdd 265gb boot drive the difference is the in the middle where there is no connectors. The places on the different ram is switch. the right side is shorter than the left The prebuilt is Omen 30L desktop GT13-0xxx
  7. No but I’ve seen their stock of stuff mainly cause I don’t live near one
  8. I’m going to use a 27in and 24in try to keep in the 150-200$ usd but if I need to I can increase amount. (Something simple(blackish grayish) pc will be on ground
  9. Mostly streaming and maybe some music I’m just a beginner doe I also like piano but I’m not good at it
  10. I plan on getting the audio technical at2020 XLR https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077YXX1M4/?tag=pcpapi-20 and the scarlet 2i2 2nd gen audio interface and also the Beyerdynamcic 990DT pro 250ohm with the https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LP3AMC2/?tag=pcpapi-20. (WIP) are there any better suggestions or do I need anything else.
  11. Anyone let my know what you think about this build. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/colbiebergeron/saved/#
  12. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/chfFYT Here is my pc part list feel free to suggest opptions try to stay within 1500$ I Already have motherboard