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Everything posted by LevitatingBusinessMan

  1. Ah yes of course overclocking will bump up the wattage on your cpu. But still, does he need to buy a whole new psu just to overclock now??????? He already has a 500w
  2. Exactly, that old PSU tier list is a good example of this. There you can see that common brands can still make awful budget options. Edit: I do believe choosing from respectable brands in other products but especially with power supplies it can just be a little trickier
  3. Looking at that frame by frame you can see your characters perspective dip onto the ground, that can never be a graphics issue. Can you show an example of this happening in any other game?
  4. And I have a constant 0-1 girlfriends, sometimes it dips a bit
  5. Don't feel bad, you may not have 7 tv's and a 4k monitor like this dude. But he is also just 15 and doesn't even have a pc... Also sick gaming rig, looks fucking sweet. Although I have about the same spec-wise and just got a cheap SSD to add to it, I recommend it to you as well.
  6. As a 15 year old he must have a shit load of money to spend on his super computer cluster machine that should run thousands of google instances. I mean according to his profile his occupation is game developer
  7. Okay I am not an overclocking expert but I am pretty sure your psu will not affect an OC.
  8. If you simply need a powerful machine that can run a lot of programs at once, this is not the way to go about it lol
  9. Those are some pretty nice power supplies, both of them. I don't know your computers specs but 650W should be more than enough for an average rig. Edit: you should try seeing your worse case sceneario wattage usage with pcpartpicker, and counter in any upgrades you might make in the future
  10. @seriousseriouspunch now that's an extreme username
  11. If you want to redirect you should do it differently, you are now just making a request in the background. You can redirect with window.location.replace() and use params in the url to include the form data. You could also just use html forms with the action attribute
  12. In a unix shell you could run a command and pipe its output as the input of another command. This way you could run the barcode scanner and have it's output serve as the input for your python script. It'd look something like: /path/to/zbar | py path/to/py_script Then you can alias it or change it into a script so you can run it as a single command. Edit: this will require you knowing how to read standard input in Python, but here's a stackoverflow link. And it'd only work in a shell that supports piping Also https://pypi.org/project/zbar-py/
  13. No I don't really know if it is helpful to you in any way, but I have heard a lot of good things about this PHP library: https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker
  14. You should join the Discord.py's community Discord server for questions about the library