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Everything posted by daned33

  1. Interesting read regarding this https://venturebeat.com/2017/09/18/automaton-raises-10-million-for-survival-game-where-1000-players-fight-in-12-square-kilometers/ Turns out they've already got 10 million usd in funding for their game. And they use SpatialOS from Improbable, "to provide the technological backbone that makes it easy for small developers to create massive online simulated worlds." Seems like they're using a backend that might actually work
  2. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2018/02/flight-sim-devs-say-hidden-password-dump-tool-was-used-to-fight-pirates/ Ars article is up
  3. I own the Airbus 320 model by them for P3D, and paid around 160USD. I can tell you it's the best thing you can get for your money, it's considered as a "Study Level sim" so all the systems and flight computer and controls are modelled and programmed to their real life counterpart. but this is such a shady thing that they've done. They've lost my trust and money as a future customer.
  4. EDIT: Added ArsTechnica and Motherboard links This story now has an article from Rock Paper Shotgun, but has original post on reddit https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/02/19/flight-sim-group-put-malware-in-a-jet-and-called-it-drm/ Motherboard Vice: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/pamzqk/fs-labs-flight-simulator-password-malware-drm Ars Technica: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2018/02/flight-sim-devs-say-hidden-password-dump-tool-was-used-to-fight-pirates/ I personally own the said flight simulator aircraft and am absolutely appalled by FlightSimLabs' actions with this blatant spyware in their software, wether it be for pirates or not, they are distributing malware to all their customers. FlightSimLabs added a Chrome password dumper to their installer, and if someone used a known pirate key their information would be sent to the developers. The CEO, Lefteris Kalamaras of FlightSimLabs himself stated: Source: https://forums.flightsimlabs.com/index.php?/announcement/10-a320-x-drm-clarification/
  5. That's a data center's speed dude, not a home connection.
  6. first two would be cool thanks!