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Aussie Pixelz

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About Aussie Pixelz

  • Birthday April 17

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  1. I suggest getting a comfort controller skin. Here is a link to some... https://www.google.com.au/search?safe=strict&rlz=1C1NHXL_enAU752AU752&biw=1366&bih=662&tbm=shop&q=xbox+one+controller+comfort+skins&oq=xbox+one+controller+comfort+skins&gs_l=psy-ab.3...4091.7304.0.8129.
  2. Something similar happened to me before when I was trying to stream to my PC and use the party chat on the Xbox app and the party chat would keep disconnecting and I couldn't use it at all. I did a complete restart on both my PC and console, and it still wouldn't work. After a few days I decided to go back and see if it would work, and it did. I is probably a problem on Microsoft's side. Sorry I couldn't do anything to help. Just leave it for a few days or check your internet connection and maybe it will work.
  3. Hello guys, I've have lately been playing Battlefield 4, and I have gotten addicted to the battlefield series. I was looking at Battlefield Hardline and thought that it had a pretty cool story to it. But I did look at some Gameplay videos on YouTube just to see if it was good and I'm not really sure if it is worth it. I have been thinking for a while, is it worth the buy?..
  4. Love the game, Although I don't have the game, I have seen a lot of videos on it and noticed that the game would be very challenging. You would need to have experience with FPS games to be able to get even close to winning. If you are having negative thoughts about the game, It obviously means that you don't want it. I suggest waiting it out, don't listen to your friend, watch some gameplay videos and see what you think. It looks like a very hard game, I have to agree with you there, that is why I still haven't bought it, but with some practice and experience, it could be fun. The thing that I don't like about the game is the graphics. Most people don't care too much about the graphics in FPS games, as long as the performance is perfect. But I like to have good graphics it my gaming experience. If you like graphical games then my might be a game to sit aside and play when your bored. Hope this helped, I'm not saying I love the game and I'm not saying I hate it either.
  5. Hello guys, I am just writing this short topic on a cheap budget gaming mouse for under $30. I came across it, purchased it and found that it is quite nice. It is called the 'Logitech G300s Optical Gaming Mouse', with 2500dpi customisable lighting. This mouse is built for both right and left hand people due to it's symmetrical design. I have purchased and used this mouse myself and have to say that it is very good for it's price. I am more of a console gamer, not a PC gamer, but I do not actually like gaming on the console. So whenever I can I try to make the best of what I have for my PC. The mouse is definitely loved by many people, that is also why I bought it. I have never had any problems with the sensitivity and there has never been a time where it hasn't worked. If you aren't happy however with the default settings on the mouse, it is easily changed. I wouldn't recommend this mouse to an intense gaming person who really wants to have a good gaming experience, for those people, I just suggest aiming for a mouse with better performance. This mouse is mainly for people who want to enjoy some game time on the go. It isn't my favourite mouse, but I would recommend it for people with a small budget. I hope this helped!
  6. Hello guys,

    I have recently been thinking about building a gaming PC because I am in desperate need of leaving the world of console. I don't dislike console, I would just rather switch to PC gaming. I am not going to go into detail about why but I am writing this because I only have a small budget. I have been told that i should use the AMD Ryzen Processor. But I just cannot afford that processor, as well as all of the other components I need, like a VERY good graphics card, because I am a person who loves the look of games and if a game has bad graphics, or the system cannot handle it, I usually don't play the game unless it performs well. I am basically writing to ask if anyone knows of a good budget PC or processor under $800. Thanks it would really help me out. :D

  7. I have used both Chrome and Edge. I would by far have to say that in my opinion Chrome is a lot better that MicE. There is actually a down side to chrome however, the thing is that Chrome actually uses up more battery life. The good thing is that it is only 10 seconds before Microsoft Edge. Microsoft Edge will save 10 seconds more battery power than Chrome. which i would have to say is not worth switching to if you need more time on your PC . The reason I like Chrome better than MicrE is because there is so much faster and with so much less advertisement. I hated it when I opened up Edge and couldn't even find the search bar because of all the ads and news articles filled with massive pictures. Chrome is a lot more easier to manage. I have only been using Chrome for a few months and have to say that is great. I even removed Edge from my task bar . In conclusion Chrome definitely wins my vote! I hope that you found this helpful.