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  1. If the clock speeds are the same then nothing. Nano or mini has a smaller form factor and meant for ITX builds and small cases.
  2. it's close to the normal price. RX 580 with freesync is a great combo and well worth it. On launch you could have gotten a reference rx 580 8gb for $240. That's before lottery addicted miners inflated card prices. I would wait a month as prices are going back to normal as small miners are now selling their junk cards on ebay. And the Mining rush is over, it's only the big players left and there buying directly from the manufacturers.
  3. I said there's nothing wrong with the 1600X..... And 144hz doesn't need 144 fps all the time to get the benefits of going over 60fps by eliminating motion blur. I would not buy a 1080 ti for one game at 1080p. 144hz is great but it doesn't improve your graphics but can eliminate motion artifact with a high dpi mouse used in competitive gaming which is why they use 144hz. But for the every day gamer at 1080p with a 1080 ti your wasting a lot of your resources when you can play at a higher resolution.
  4. Also at 1080p GTX 1080 and 1080 ti is overkill even at 144hz. I would get a 1060 6gb or 1070 if you want to do VR, or even RX 580 8gb. Wait for reviews on vega but if you have freesync vega 56 might be best for you. Honestly I would skip on 144hz not worth it, It only helps with motion blur not much else. I would not spend a ton of money for 1080p at 144hz.
  5. 1600X is a excellent gaming CPU and will not bottleneck a 1080 ti at all. My guess is people haven't seen the benchmarks or they are stuck on a Intel cloud in sky all high and mighty. lol 1600X Performs about the same as an 1800X in gaming, so you do NOT need a new CPU. 1600X will overclock to 4.1 with XFR while gaming no worries.