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  1. that is an interesting turn. I would chose android over iOS. I have used iOS (ipad and iphone) for 2 years ish and the switch to android took me 10 mins tops. And then you discover the extra functionality of Android.
  2. I have used a OnePlus 3 with a really bulky case and after a week you are used to it. had that phone for 2 years (I broke it when I was repairing it so rip.) As for the awkwardness, It feel incredibly big when you unbox it but as i said, that size is going to feel normal after a week or so
  3. Once you go plus you never go back. I promise you the size is worth it. are you used to bigger format phones? don't forget that the flash storage is faster on the plus. so -better battery -better camera -faster storage -same price as a new iphone 7 that does not have these features
  4. I personally would go for the used one, if it is in acceptable condition. (no cracked screen, no dirt behind camera lens(es), the buttons feel like normal, touch id works) That's what i'd look out for. also what is the capacity of the second hand product?