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  1. I know there was a video a while back about making a low powered gaming pc but with recent events involving Alienware now would be a great time to revisit the topic and make a video about how we can game in an environmentally friendly way. Also a video on other ways we can use technology to be kind to the environment could be cool.
  2. With Linus moving house and the recent hot weather now would be the perfect time to take the "ultimate water cooled gaming chair" to the next level with a water cooled bed AND pillows.
  3. https://stats.foldingathome.org/teams-monthly I've been keeping a close eye on this and am really proud to be a part of this team despite just having a few cpu cores on a laptop to fold with. I have been blown away at the tech community's response to this crisis in general from manufacturers switching to medical supplies, people 3d printing face shields at home, and of course this epic folding at home drive. Today our computers aren't just about p@wning n00bs and max fps, they are about saving the world!
  4. I would like to see Alex review the new oled, 10th gen intel, Gigabyte Aero. I have one of the older models and really like it but would like to see how things have improved especially cooling-wise. Also I think the Gigabyte Aero series doesn't get near as much love as it should.
  5. If you have any of those hard drives left you could do a video building a server to donate to folding@home. I read on the ama on reddit that they are getting close to solving their server problems because of server donations and it might be the push that smooths things out for them.
  6. This just shows that Anthony is a god and needs to be worshiped.
  7. Bought a sweet gaming laptop so that i can game while I travel. I was going to teach English in china... after that went down the drain I was going to teach in Italy... for obvious reasons I am now staying with my parents (UK) for a bit longer than anticipated but at least I have this sweet laptop to keep me occupied.
  8. I'd love to see a video answering the following question: If you were aiming for a minimum standard, for example 1080p 60fps max settings, over time is it more cost effective to buy a cheaper low end gpu and replace it every 2-3ish years or to buy a ballin one and keep it for 4-6ish years and for how long do you thing you could maintain that minimum standard without having to upgrade based on historical data. I hope that made sense.
  9. Jon is a really good WAN show host. Good dynamic between him and Luke.