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  1. Cyberspirit


    Luckily this hasn't happened to me yet but, good to know that it's a thing.

  2. lewdicrous


    The fans are trying to escape!!


    On a serious note, is it cause of the "up and down" play? The fans are moving up cause of the air they push back or something.

  3. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon

    @lewdicrous Fans slightly wobble when they spin, the Noctua fans have an exaggerated blade curve to increase static pressure.  That makes the blade's front parts real close to the frame, so the very minor wobble that occurs in all fans makes the Noctuas in particular like to hit other very close objects. 


    Like I said in the video, Noctua's own coolers do this if you use a puss/pull configuration, which is why they add the extra thick spacers. 

  4. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon

    Puss pull configuration...

  5. lewdicrous


    Just noticed that.. ?
