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Heared of JJ Abrams confirmed director of a movie within the half life/portal confirmed by VALVe. -from my reddit junky best friend

  1. Toby


    JJ Abrams said this back in February, but was then confirmed for the Star Wars sequels. Also keep in mind Valve - a company full of game developers - hasn't managed to pony up the sequel to their biggest franchise.

    It's a (potentially) nice idea, but it's not happening. Not this decade, at least.

  2. bradscoolio


    I know he said it a long time ago, I watched the presentation as DICE. But apparently this is conformation... apparently apparently :P

  3. Toby


    I'm pretty sure your friend just saw the thread on TIL that hit the Reddit frontpage a couple of days ago. If there was anything newer than that on Reddit, it'd be big news.

  4. bradscoolio