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  1. @CPotter At 12:03 PST all VIP tickets are already sold out, is this all of them or will there be more per the tickets being released in waves?
  2. @CPotter I wanted to ask when delidded ticket holders will hear more information on the pre-LTX 2018 events. Thank you.
  3. Source: https://www.crashplan.com/en-us/consumer/nextsteps/?utm_source=email8222017&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=consumer&utm_content=annoucement&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWmpsaE4yUmpObVV4WW1FdyIsInQiOiJ1Y0d4RXc3RVBjSnJ5OWlkNVU1MHZmT1VqT3U5UkRBZjVpTVhiT3dmck5KVjQyM0tvWHp6WDlGVEZ3OUxWSFJOWVFUdDdGVm03MmpyeGg2WE11bzEyeGgxeXIwWXE0RlpqVWdScCsza0ZoY2lzS3dmcjZ1eFYyS2FUNCtcL1hBTTMifQ%3D%3D See the remained of the email received by those with Crashplan for Home below. Important Information about your CrashPlan for Home Account.pdf For those of us who are Crashplan for home users, seems like its time to start researching Backblaze and Carbonite, although Crashplan is recommending the latter in their email with a discount. You can also jump to Crashplan for Small Business, but the price increases from $5 a month/$60 per year for one computer to $10 a month/$120 per year per computer. If users choose to switch to Carbonite, they will be contacted 60 days before their Crashplan for Home subscription expires to begin their new backup. Good luck to those of us affected. https://stratusly.com/backblaze-vs-crashplan-vs-carbonite-review-best-online-backup/ - A good review comparing the three backup methods mentioned above for those needing to switch.
  4. So first ever post to the forum, hello LMG, I wanted to ask if there would be any additional VIP experience tickets being sold as I was waiting to buy mine until today when I received back the error that they were all sold out. Is there any way to squeeze in another person even for a premium over the VIP experience tickets? Although I know this event isn't necessarily for the money, but I am trying for any chance. Please respond @CPotter