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Jack the Stripper

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Everything posted by Jack the Stripper

  1. Those machines are horrendous on the enviroment. The little plastic thingys. They can not be recycled. http://www.motherjones.com/blue-marble/2014/03/coffee-k-cups-green-mountain-polystyrene-plastic So thanks for saving our enviroment, congrats! Carbon tax should be pointed towards these types of companies.
  2. Yes I read your link and I quoted the bit that reminded me that Quebec has some messed up laws. They are not obscure laws either, they are main stream laws. I will quote the bit that reminded me, again. I just wonder who is going to measure the store when a beat officer strolls up and notices a store open. Does that area include storage. Does the beat street cop have a measuring tape on him.
  3. Well its a fact really. Over my many many years on this earth, I have come across some really messed up and fucked up laws that Quebec has. Even the tax law is that way. Give-Away prizes. But in other respects Quebec has good laws too, like fixed child care costs. Those are all that come to my mind right now. A quick search on google brings up general "Fucked up laws" not specific to Quebec. I would think to realize this fact, you need look no further then the French Language Police. I am sure its a wonderful province, lots of history for sure. I have heard stories that Quebecois out of the metropolitan areas can be snobbish if you do not speak their language. You need look no further then when they tried to seperate from Canada. I do not see why they teach French in the Canaidan school system. Even Federal Government employee's dont need to speak it. I do plan to visit one day.
  4. Quebec has some fucked up laws! The one below is one of countless fucked up laws.
  5. Churches Frozen Food Reheated By A Phillapeno = Miles Gilbert Horton
  6. Its worse then a 'small town no town' I wonder if Coffee Shops are open the big national brands probably would be, but not the independants. Bars? Liquor Stores? Strip Clubs ? I will see whats happenin with meetup groups and the like. I know of one place that has a marathon "meetup" all day but its the same ole story all the time plus they are all about ego. They are egomaniacs with an inferiority comples, they fake it until they make it, 90 in 90, in which they themselves are damaged goods.
  7. Gas Stations Convenience Stores Fast Food Joints I am thinking Movie Theater's are open and perhaps the YMCA pool/gym.
  8. But she/he may not. He/she may need a waiver, with even the simplest of criminal charges.
  9. only if you buy a K chip
  10. Invest in ear plugs! The night before down a few sleeping pills and a few beers. Lock the door. Its just another day, just like New Years, Halloween, Birthday, Thanksgiving, Nationalists Day so on.
  11. I remember Aussies and Brits/Scots are a rough drinking crowd.
  12. Big Whoopidie Doooo Dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I already know what I got so there. How you ask? Because I bought it. See adults do that sort of thing. When you got everything you want, you dont need anything else. Except to win the lottery main prize. I remember when I was your age, I unwrapped all my gifts then rewrapped them.
  13. Its not Christmas yet, please wait 8 hours. Damn Brits
  14. Now the mods will be over-whelmed with nick name changes. Do it to one, gotta do it to all right @deXxterlab97