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  1. I quickly wanna apologize. Streaming really has always been illegal. I'm sorry just wanted to correct myself. This ruling is very much a statement that the matter is going to be taken seriously I don't want to see people who watch movie streams prosecuted. I think companies should first focus on stream providers gradually till the most popular providers are gone Just a reminder. If it's your own private media stream that include movies or songs you legally bought in a DVD store as an example is legal.
  2. Well you bought that dvd therefore it is of your possession. If you were to make it public that is considered illegal Lucky. I have to say goodbye to walking dead and mr robot
  3. If the content does belong to you it is perfectly legal. This ruling mostly refers to kodi third party addons that allow you to view other library with content that is considered copyright infringement
  4. Sorry if you didn't see but I said "Now owning Kodi itself is NOT illegal. Kodi's main purpose was to stream your own virtual library content"
  5. The European Court of Justice this week ruled that production of Jodi Boxes is now illegalmovies or any sort of media without the right holders' permission is ILLegal NOTE: Just a small update. Streaming movies has always been illegal anyway. Streaming really is just as bad as downloading movies. Example with Kodi streams are downloaded into a temporary file. I see this more as a statement that attention will be brought to the matter of media streaming content that is illegal and that action will take place.l Now owning Kodi itself is NOT illegal. Kodi's main purpose was to stream your own virtual library content. If the content belongs to you it is perfectly legal. However, if you use a third party addonthat allows you to view movies then that is copyright infringement If you know someone who streams movies or any sort of media for "free" please inform them about this UPDATE I'd like to sincerely apologize for my false information. I myself was misinformed about this situation. This law is not against watching Kodi streams but to prevent Kodi add-on box production. I cannot apologize enough from my mistake. This post is going to be privated in the morning to save myself the embarrassment. I apologize for my mistake. I should have done more thorough research on this matter. Really sorry guys Pdf document http://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2017-04/cp170040en.pdf
  6. A steam card can be bought in really any gaming related store
  7. Daniel22

    Fear of RE7

    Just focus on the lore and ye'll be grand
  8. Yeah. Build was the first thing to pop into my head
  9. So I've been using Kodi for a long time now. I'm for a Kodi build such as Spartan Wizard for example. What Kodi builds would you guys reccomend?
  10. If @themctipers suggestion doesn't work I'd suggest a boot scan
  11. Ah alright, still, what anti virus are you using?
  12. What anti-virus do you have on your computer?