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  1. I've been in a bit of a lull with the games I've been playing and was looking for suggestions for good free to plays (preferably co-op) on steam
  3. its all personal preference kinda a hard question to answer without knowing your tastes
  4. this game is kind of way out there and not too well known and is also in beta and rather buggy but there is a free game on steam called The Way of Life and the gameplay itself is rather stale to be honest but the storyline if you could call it that is very interesting and quite a change from the norm if you want to kill a few hours when in doubt pick some genres and browse free/indie games on steam you'll find some interesting stuff
  5. wait actually i was wrong but im still really confused Intel advertises this processor as having 2 cores and 4 threads https://ark.intel.com/products/90729/Intel-Core-i3-6100-Processor-3M-Cache-3_70-GHz but im being shown i have 1 core and 2 threads wtf?
  6. bios says hyperthreading is on but no sign of it in windows no
  7. yea and if you're competitively gaming you want a high quality mouse with a top sensor
  8. I will say that windows coming with it is a huge plus. But keyboard and mouse and headset and can still be bought separately and you can probably come out cheaper. And make sure you like the keyboard go to Best Buy or something and try out the difference switches for the display models. (psst i recommend g430 headset cause its so damn comfortable)
  9. yea very true i think he should get something that can still perform well without having to be overclocked and then he can later on
  10. Still confused as to why my hyperthreading is apparently not working tho