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  1. Username - RavingSmurfGB Favorite videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/LCoY5zfFf https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy
  2. Well im currently running a FX6100, so this CPU would be a big upgrade for me:
  3. I haven't seen this case before kind of neet, i would love to check it out in person as i have a really bad case.
  4. The amp omega has a really nice design and looks similar to the old asus GPU cooler, which i really liked. The amp extreme is a beast the only thing i would like though is more colours
  5. Hey guys i was thinking of getting a new router as the multi functional S**T the ISP has sent me keeps breaking, seriously this is like the third one. Anyway i wanted the linksys E2500 v3 as it is a inexpensive 1Gb router with dual band wireless n, i have heard the firmware on it is bad and with custom firmware i can get more options and maybe even better performance. I had a look around and decided on DD-WRT, this router supports it but i wanted to research a bit more in to it before deciding on either of these things. So I was wondering if anybody on here has had experience with flashing routers, is there anything i should know, is there better firmware than the one i have chosen and is the router ok i have heard fixed reviews about it and decided to try it out and return it if it is bad.
  6. i did that for 6 hours while i was at college, that is what allowed me to access the BIOS, first it wouldn't even let me in it(i didn't specify this at the top". Then as i said it didn't really do much else. Thanks though
  7. nope i have neither, what would it do for me?
  8. I have already tried that but since the hard drive was still readable then i believed it wouldn't help, i tried it anyway though and it didnt help. the issue is that the laptop wont boot, at all. but thanks for the suggestion.
  9. Ok,guys, i have a laptop with a BIOS password that i cant take off (luckily i know it) but once i type it in it just keeps restarting, it isn't the wrong password as when i type it in wrong it says that its wrong. I'm confused, i took the CMOS battery out to and the BIOS password stayed. It says the RTC battery is low and allows me to access the BIOS, then from there are load defualts and still the password is there. I don't know what to do about this, i cant really buy a new mobo but if i have to i will, is there a way i can get it to boot? Any help is much appreciated.
  10. I did come across a few cheap ones but i really wanted a 16gb version and for it to be new, hense the excess cost
  11. I have had experience with rooting before and i do like a project so it doesn't really matter if i do have to install a different ROM on it
  12. I did consider getting the moto G but the CPU isn't as good and i like the design of the nexus 4 more, my friend had a nexus 4 and sang praises about it, thats why i decided to get a N4. Thanks anyway
  13. So there's different ROMS depending on location?
  14. The add says it is unlocked so i guess it's a done deal
  15. Hey, i'm considering buying a nexus 4 as i don't have much money to spend and love android. So I hit the web and i found someone selling a new N4 on EBAY for £140. but it was from japan, I wanted to know if it would work in the UK. Since I have very little knowledge on the working of phones between countries i decided to ask you guys . Any Help is much appreciated.