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Man, I can't believe Rockstar still hasn't fixed the launcher issue with RDR2. I've tried literally everything that was suggested on the web and after all that, I was able to play it once just now until I've quit and now I can't the game to start again. Good hecking job, Rockstar.


I really hope that they'll just scrap this launcher idea because this ain't working.

  1. Evolution.


    if i paid $60 for a game and it decided not to work i'd be pissed 

  2. Cyberspirit


    Oh believe me, I am very pissed. They probably put 30 layers of DRM on this damn thing so pirates can't get to it.

    Sure, the idiot who actually payed for it can't play it either but hey, at least the pirates can't get the game.

  3. WereCat


    I'm honestly glad that this game is not very exciting for me, I'm yet to finish the Fallen Order and plenty of other games I bought and barely played yet (Sekiro for example). 

  4. Cyberspirit


    @WereCat That's good. I can be pretty bad about finishing games for some reason, even ones that I love.

  5. Evolution.


    Lol I haven't played half of the games I've bought on steam 
