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why doesn't LTT use 16:9 for their content?


watching LTT content on a 13" 1280x800 16:10 display is awful because of the black bars.


the resolution of the content is only 1280x640 when switched to 720p.... whyyyy

  1. LukeSavenije
  2. Ashleyyyy


    most phones are still 16:9 though...

  3. LukeSavenije


    don't underestimate how much 2:1(ish) there is

  4. Ashleyyyy


    even then, how many people use 1080p or 4k monitors? those are all 16:9. a high eprcentage of laptops is 16:9 or 16:10...

  5. Bananasplit_00


    because the top and bottom being black is a lot nicer than black bars and a large portion of viewers are on phones. phones are moving to 2:1. they have said they wont go back on this afaik

  6. Cyberspirit


    There were a couple of threads about this but, I believe Linus said in one of the WAN shows that they aren't going back to 16:9.

    This one, for example:



    Seems like people here would prefer 16:9 though.

  7. Ashleyyyy


    @Cyberspirit it would make sense that people here (a bunch of PC users, with likely a 1080p or 4K monitor) would prefer 16:9.
