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  1. I tried my best to capture the annoying pixels! Someone suggested using a suction cup in the case of an insect/dust particle. Anyone has an idea? Thanks!
  2. My cpu hits 85 degrees whilst gaming. A cpu cooler under 40 buck preferably pc: 16gb 3000 mhz ryzen 5 2600 rtx 2070 super GA-A320M-S2H 650W corsair psu ty!
  3. what about this? https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Verbindungskabel-DisplayPort-auf-HDMI/dp/B015OW3M1W/ref=sr_1_4?__mk_nl_NL=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=hdmi+zu+displayport&qid=1566212822&s=gateway&sr=8-4#customerReviews
  4. Screen has 2 HDMI, going triple screen, rtx 2070 super has 3 displayport and 1 hdmi, what cables/converters should I use for no shenanigans? My monitor: LG29WK500 Thanks!
  5. cpu: ryzen 5 2600 16 gb ram 650 w psu Will I need another gpu or is a triple ultrawide setup not doable? This is an answer I got from a forum. Because I saw gtx 1070 triple setups (no ultrawide screens used ) with 70 fps on racing games. An rtx 2070 / super would do the trick?
  6. Hello. Can you guys suggest me a gaming pc? I want a gtx 1060 6gb I don't know about the rest. I also don't need a case. My budget is 800€ I'll be using this site: https://www.amazon.fr/ Thank you!