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  1. It's a car that my parents used to use that's still in pretty great condition.
  2. Thanks for the help/thoughts... And I love your profile picture... I love Seven Deadly Sins, but even more so Elizabeth. Not to mention, me being your average adolescent male, I'm a pretty big horndog.
  3. Yes. It should all run exceptionally well for what you're doing.
  4. Hi, I'm a 15 year old from the United States who happens to be very interested in technology. Namely, how things work and how things are made. I have absolutely no interest in becoming a programmer, graphic designer, etc... But I can do whatever would give me more opportunities/better stuff to put on my resume. When I say how things work and how things are made, I want to be able to look at the internals of a graphics card and make observation, analysis, and estimations based on what I see like some of the YouTubers. I want to be able to get a decent job because of this knowledge, and maybe even a nice job. That's why I'm wondering if this kind of career viable - I'm seriously interested in this stuff, but I don't know how much it's needed. I'm also wondering how I could start learning this stuff without a formal education. YouTubers, websites, books, etc. And on the topic of formal education, what kind of classes would I take to get this stuff figured out? Electronics? Computer science? Manufacturing and Engineering? Maybe I'm being a bit wishful or naive... but halp?
  5. How profitable do you think pursuing a career in music would actually be? I'm not talking about being a singer, either... That's the huge issue here - I am really interested in music, but I don't really see or hear much about people becoming super famous unless they're guitarists/singers.
  6. How old do I have to be to invest in a TFSA? Isn't that just a savings account you would open with a bank/credit union, similar to how you would open a checking account? Are money markets an option? I haven't really figured out how safe/profitable those things are...
  7. You don't just "save" for retirement. I don't even have a job, so there's no way I can open up a 401k/retirement plan. My parents have a college fund for me that, admittedly, I have no clue how great it is. That's definitely a good option in terms of saving. I would save for a better computer if I really wanted or needed it. I play very few games that even require this "good" of a computer (like, League of Legends and Witcher 3.) Based off of the responses I've gotten here I don't really think I'll be saving for anything in particular, but rather just earning money.
  8. I'm seriously out of ideas... I already have a decent computer (i3-6100, GTX 950) and a car... I can't really think of anything else overly important to save money for.
  9. Get a 1050 Ti if you want a new GPU... You don't need a new power supply... It's around the same performance as the GTX 960, much better than a 750 Ti.
  10. The incorrect use of "whopping" in this post bothers me. :I
  11. i3-6100 and GTX 950 on eBay... I'm not sure how much they are worth. I'm thinking that maybe each for $80-$100, with the i3 being sold for a bit more than the GTX 950? Thoughts? What I'm thinking about: GTX 950 - $80 i3-6100 - $100 I'm also looking for any suggestions on pricing for my ASUS Z170-A... It's a nice motherboard that isn't damaged or anything, so...
  12. Doesn't necessarily have to be free, just acquirable... I need something to get started on editing/creating photos... Maybe adding effects, making things look better, etc.?