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Everything posted by Niemand

  1. Let me help you. Follow these steps. 1. Ask him his address. 2. Tell your parents you have to visit the capital of Minnesota to appreciate the new seal. 3. Give your beau a very lenny birthday. thx
  2. Cedric was trying to get it on with Harry in the bath, but Harry thought it was only about the Goblet of Fire because Harry's clueless like that.
  3. Page 777! And this beauty's turning 40!
  4. I'm pretty sure trans people are aware of that. Treating them like they're in some sort of delusional quest to change their chromosomes doesn't help anyone.
  5. turned the computer on, it did something like this: And now it doesn't even turn on anymore. Might bee something else, I don't know. I'm so putting this off. Not in the mood.
  6. How ungraceful of you, we just tryin to chill.
  7. I think my monitor's gone to the dogs. X(
  8. This is the last time I'll reply to you, just in case you're not a troll. We don't have these discussions here anymore because most of the people who start them are trolls and we don't want the thread closed. So if you're not a troll, please leave the thread or change subject. _____ I'd like to remind the others to ignore him if he keeps insisting. The mods will solve this soon enough.
  9. My hand are smelling of spoiled milk.
  10. @Energycore May I ask what the heck that bird is? edit: Nvm I read your location. Guess I wasn't the first to ask that.
  11. It's not really a proper topic, it's like a commune. Ryan keeps it nice and clean, and we try to keep it that way too. Rules I personally follow: 1. Don't make it too sexual (mostly male teens here, so this doesn't depend on me alone) 2. Don't feed the trolls.
  12. Oh my. Christian friend's been very pervy with me. I'm being pervy back. And I'm really digging the conversations I'm having with other friends, they're way too kind to me.
  13. neeeeeeeeeeeeeerd!!!!!!!!!!!!111
  14. what does this mean? and SoonEnough™ incestuous
  15. actually i gotta go somewhere else. see you later guys