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Everything posted by Sirgeorge

  1. I was taking a look at GPU price tracker data and noticed that the prices are rising. Some of that is to be expected for various reasons, but noticing the used prices on 3090s being up a hundred bucks over a few months ago and used 4090s climbing even more so on the used market intrigued me. What's driving this particular rise this go around?
  2. I'd appreciate a help with this one. Also, would anyone be interested in a reverse engineering of this floppy drive? I see no schematics available and I might be willing to do it.
  3. So, I bought a Razer Blade Pro 17 (2019) (rz09-03148E13) about 7 1/2 months ago. It's a second hand on eBay but was taken really good care of. I don't think it was super heavily used because I've NOTICABLE worn it down physically since then. The track pad's surface has gotten worn from miles of finger tracking, the paint on grill for the front most bottom fan has started to come off leaving specks of silver unpainted metal, and a similar effect has occurred in the form of a bare metal colored ring pultruding about a mm out all around the charging port from the constant plugs and unplugs, and now one of the two side pins are broken off at the base of the plug. SO, I've found that this port is readily available online from 3rd party sellers (likely 3rd shift or reverse engineered work from a Chinese factory by the looks of it), and I'm gonna buy 2 (one for now, and another in case I need to replace the port again and it happens to be that we've started an international war with China in the meantime, and their manufacturing base has imploded leaving me with no parts). What I would like to know is how much longer can I reasonably expect to get out of this laptop at this point (assuming no accidents and discarding things like soldering on new ports)? Is it likely that I'm gonna develop a GPU or CPU fault in the next year or two? In other words, what usually kills these laptops beyond the point that it's economical to repair them? I should note, this is technically a business/prosumer laptop. I game on it, program on it, run CGI renders on it, etc. I have a backup laptop, but would like to "exit gracefully" while getting my money's worth out of it. What's my prognosis?
  4. hmm, those hp EliteDesk 800 G4 mini and G3 mini computers do look tantalizing, and they seem to cost less by a bit. Do they last 7+ years?
  5. I'm in need of some fairly cheap expansion of processing power for a dev environment I'm running. We've officially expanded beyond our set of 2015 Raspberry pi 3s, so after much consideration, I see that the most obvious next choice is to get one or more of the Intel Skull Canyon NUCs from a refurbishing eBay store and rock-n-roll with them for a while. Are these units starting to fail or are they still going strong? I'd like to get at least a year of service out of them and 2-3 would be preferable before I have to go running for their replacement. Help?
  6. So, I just got a Razer Blade Pro 17 (late 2019) and everything's working honkey dorry. New drivers are installed and everything seems to be doing well. However, I have a small issue where, whenever I play sound on a lower volume (under 20/100) I'll get this slight hiss sound from my speakers. It seems to delay slightly whenever I stop playing the sound (I stop the sound and about half a second the hissing stops). At higher volumes it doesn't seem to be a problem (either that or I don't notice it?). Any help would be appreciated. No info online from what I've seen for this particular problem.
  7. lol, we sure it wasn't a Samsung battery that wanted to be a real pillow this Christmas .
  8. Yes, those do look good. I used to have a Lenovo T-series laptop. Removable battery for days. Hung off the back too so you could hold onto it in very natural ways. Again though, the question was about taking a purposefully silly idea and asking if anyone has actually tried it. You're overthinking it silly . Though, that is a VERY sexy laptop right there. I might actually look into it for practical reasons. Thanks for the recommendation.
  9. Ya...I mentioned that in the comment. Going into WW2 with a bow and arrow is also stupid but ask if anyone has ever done it and hear the answer. Sometimes, you just want to know. Hence, the post. Lol, ya. Yes, unless you've got one of those really extra fancy batteries, you're right. Those fires are one of the more safe ones (in a small form factor) but one of the more scary looking ones. You're is the comment most on brand for my actual question. Congratulations. You get a cookie. "why bother", moot point. Ya it's stupid, that wasn't the question. "remove screws" exceptions like screws on your glasses exist. No one has a problem with you adjusting your reading glasses. Not from my experience and not from anyone else I've heard from. So, mostly correct but some important exceptions do exist. Lol. Buffy the flight attendant. Was never the point of the comment. It's IN the comment that this is silly AND that you should "avoid any questions about practicality". Also, just to answer the screw one (zip lock bags, zippered pockets, that little circle indent in your food tray, keep it in your hands, pocket in your backpack, those little zipper purposes that certain airlines like Turkish airlines gives you, etc.). Lots of easy ones off the top of my head. Again though, not the point. (zip lock bags, zippered pockets, that little circle indent in your food tray, keep it in your hands, pocket in your backpack, those little zipper purposes that certain airlines like Turkish airlines gives you, etc.) It's the other way around. Inside the cabin is the place for spare batteries. Also, yes I actually bothered to check and you can take spare unsheathed batteries on the plane. Again, "Forget any rational questions you may have about why just curious as to answers to this silly". Also, USA has the same rules. TSA regulations. "Forget any rational questions you may have about why just curious as to answers to this silly" "Forget any rational questions you may have about why just curious as to answers to this silly" "Forget any rational questions you may have about why just curious as to answers to this silly"
  10. I...I never said I would....does...does no one actually read the comment? I don't know whether I should be insulted in the insinuation that a request for a story from someone who has is taken as a plan to do this or sad at seeing people in the same comment both talk about how they have to do pre-flight checks in a professional context and yet actively demonstrate they don't know how to read a forum post. smh.
  11. Read...the fricken...comment. How did this evolve from "hey I know this is stupid has anyone tried it" to "ya, this guy is totally an idiot for planning on trying this". Don't play Chinese telephone. You're better then that.
  12. So, has anyone ever taken a set of screwdrivers (sub-7 inches for TSA compliance) and spare batteries for their laptop (built-in sub 100 Wh, but replaceable, like a framework level of difficulty here) and actually bothered replacing a battery on the plane due to the built in one running out of juice? Forget any rational questions you may have about why just curious as to answers to this silly (potentially dangerous if you puncture the battery) idea. EDIT: I'm incredible disappointed with the responses I got. I'm not going to go through my technical or personal background, but yes, I have considered literally every danger point, safety concern, etc. written below and a number not. I'm not surprised by any of it. I also didn't ask to the feasibility, practicality, desirability, etc. of the matter. The question asked IF anyone HAS done it. I remember actually having a genuine moment where I considered posting this question asking if this incredibly stupid ideas has been done before because I feared that the comments would be filled with lots and lots of people posting about "why would you even?" or "have you considered obvious bad thing about obvious bad idea?" or "this would obviously be bad idea due to point mentioned in the question itself". In other words, negative reactions to an idea admitted in the second line to be terrible simply asking if terrible idea has ever had a practitioner willing to talk about it come out and share what they've learned with the class "Yes, fire indeed hot and hot in this particular way with this particular pain feeling" and no one actually answering the darn question. Indeed, that is what happened. There has got to be some concise way to signal that "idea is bad and I know that, now can anyone answer silly idea with silly response". Side note: most technically competent people are not so good outside their chosen domain. You'd be very surprised, but doctors, especially research doctors, are stupid bad at dealing with tech beyond a certain level. They'll have cache sync issues with their own code (regardless of if they write it or not), printer issues, etc. The only people I've ever met that were still doing the two finger keyboard typing game were in a research lab. So, they're just as likely to get freaked as anyone else
  13. It's been a hot minute but If I remember correctly I had to scratch at certain spots to get to underlying errors to fix this error. I'm afraid I don't exactly remember. It's one of those "I see broken I fix broken" kinda things. I recommend looking at a diagram for it and drawing the crach you see on your example on the diagram. Then, see what wires would have to cross to what and go down the list when doing the jumper wire fix.
  14. So, I'm trying to figure out how to get more advanced and granular control over autoplay on windows such that when I plug in a specific device I can run a script, a macro, or generally do something more then just sync my phone's photos with my desktop in one of two file locations. In particular, I want to be able to sync up arbitrary files (mostly to sync files from a specific folder on my android phone with file names in a specific range/structure) to my computer in an arbitrarily selected folder and to do so every time that a particular device that I have is plugged into my desktop. Anyone have experience with this?
  15. I was so confused for a little bit, you may want to change your first instance of "google photos" from "good photos" to "google photos"
  16. Phone to server may be a real life situation in the future. As for now, I'll take a look at your solution and come back to you. Beyond that, I just realized that github may have another answer to this problem and I'll pop over there to see if it does.
  17. I can't actually find a lot of information on this, but I have a need to transfer photos, on a frequent basis, from my android phone to my windows computer. How do I set arbitrary conditions for what photos to capture (capture all photos taken after this date, before this date, etc.) and either automatically, or with a key combo, or a cli input, have those photos pulled from my phone to my computer. Doing this wirelessly would be a nice extra. Thanks for any help.
  18. I guess the best way to do this is to actually make an open source project and do a step-by-step modifier or to see if it gets picked up by someone on the internets for the luls.
  19. Yes actually. Here's something that should work for most folks. https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEB&search_query=how+to+stitch+backpacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx4RTABS2vw
  20. Great resource. However, I was seeing if anyone had something outside the box.
  21. I'm curious if there is an updated set of resources to learning/advancing in Clojure since the last time that I looked for such a thing. I've been using the mid-2010s resources on it mostly (i.e. Clojure for the Brave and True and the like). Anyone have a more refreshed list on the latest and greatest in Clojure resources?
  22. I'm curious, how bad would this be after you rip and tear it apart such as to force fit it into the role?