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  1. First I would like to apologize as this may be a stupid question and I probably screwed up big time. I purchased a Lian Li Galahad 240mm AIO and I decided to replace the Lian Li stock fans with MF120 halos (x2 for the AIO and 1 for the case), with the intent that all the RGB effect would be the same and in sync. My execution of that idea sucked, I am so confused and I'm so new to RGB in general that I don't know where, how to start and if I am missing components to make it work. In the graph below from Lian Li's manual where it says 'Connect to R1 or S1', I noticed that connector must be Lian Li's proprietary because I could not find anything about it. Since I won't be using their RGB stock fans, does this means that I could just ignore that part and I will just connect the pump to the 'CPU fan pump header' of my motherboard and then daisy chain the 3 Halo fans and then connect them to the JRainbow (MSI's ARGB) header in the motherboard? Would I be able to control and sync the fans' RGB from MSI's dragon Center and their Mystic light software respectively? I have been researching this for the last 2 days and I feel clueless at this point. Any help is appreciated! Thank you in advance.
  2. This is sad and pathetic at the same time. What a way to play dirty.
  3. You did not specify the version of gtx 1060 you wanted. There is the 6gb and it's little brother the 3gb. I created your build based on the 6gb version. The amount is $1040.27 USD which would be € 927.71. (If you buy it from Amazon). Your build http://pcpartpicker.com/list/MNXbLD Let me know anything else you want to modify. If your friend is willing to invest a little bit more, I could try to get some better components as well. Hope it helps.
  4. The whole DX 12 API is broken as hell atm, don't get your panties in a bunch. I could say that Microsoft should learn from Vulkan and get their game together because so far their marketing blargh is going down the hill.
  5. Wow.. to think my Gtx 1080 would down perform like this with dx12 is absolutely ridiculous.
  6. Done. I did find that controversial too. I would agree if they boost it up with new gadgets and the retina screens should be by now in their top most requested feature.