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  1. Needed to install Windows 7 on some legacy hardware. Luckily, I've ran into the issue before and know how to solve it (guide for anyone interested). What I want to know is after I've created the bootable USB for Windows 7 can I make an .iso file out of it? I use Ventoy to manage all my image files. It would be nice if Windows 7 wasn't the exception.
  2. 60/40 weather data/fun. I'm looking for a suitable place to build a geothermal greenhouse and I thought an actual piece of hardware on the ground would yield best results, as compared to online solar simulators. It doesn't have to be Arduino based. I have no personal experience with them, I've watched YouTubers use them for such purposes so I naturally gravitated toward them.
  3. Anyone have experience building a weather station? I'm in need of a station that can measure light, temperature, humidity, and run completely off grid. I see there are some kits on Amazon, such as this one, but I have no experience with Arduino. I just watch a lot of YouTube
  4. Not even going to bother reading comments anymore. Community has spoken. Many of you should be ashamed of how you acted. You can't be satisfied with an apology; you have to dictate the terms and feelings of the apology. Like children. It's completely asinine. You can't even stand in a court of law and demand someone apologize exactly as you say. But here, in the court of public opinion there are no rules. There's only base instinct. Disgusting behavior.
  5. And then everyone accuses you of being a sell-outs or insincere. There is no win here. All LMG can do is weather the storm, and rebuild after it passes. I'll eat my hat if the community simply responds, "Apology accepted."
  6. They're absolutely right. There is nothing they can do to appease the masses, because the masses don't want to be appeased. They want to assert dominance.
  7. Perhaps a first born would appease the masses?
  8. Sorry. I'm just sick of all these jackasses rolling in here with their half-cocked understanding. This entire ordeal has gone far beyond criticism of data accuracy and ethics.
  9. Look at this psychic. You realize you have absolutely nothing to back that up?
  10. Made an early reply that I'd like to redact after watching the LMG video response. LMG should improve itself with the sole intention of crushing Gamers Nexus. Do the job so well that they can't compete anymore. Then buy them. It's what they deserve. At least, that's what I'd do to the bastards that made my wife that uncomfortable.
  11. If you're sincere about that statement I'd like to hear criticism of GN. Receipts is how the kids would say it.
  12. @LinusTech Pains me to say it but, just walk away man. These rabid bastards have show their true colors. Cash out to some corporate entity that'll give the masses the same ole PR speak they yearn for, that has no substance but makes them feel good. They crave it like an addict. They can't live in a world that's messy and uncertain. Cash out and take care of your family and friends. You're not totally innocent in this controversy, but damn, at least you recognize your faults. This community, well, they walk on water evidently.
  13. Makes since if there are stake holders. LMG is privately owned. I just get the feeling people would be just as rabid if Linus had done exactly as you propose. He'd still have no 'tegridty but in the alternate timeline he'd also be a sell out. There's no win here for LMG. People just wanna be mad.
  14. If Linus had instead published a polished piece of PR damage control would you be more or less satisfied than you currently are?