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I want to watch Luke's Thief stream on my lunch break but my stupid school network blocked Twitch... Fucking assholes

  1. Barrington


    All you need is Hotspot shield the fast and easy way to VPN blablabla bla bla

  2. MangoJuiceStain


    Hotspot shield and every other VPN known to man are also blocked. So are all the proxys

  3. MangoJuiceStain


    And whenever I go to a fucking website they block it the next day like wtf. They blocked humble bundle, steam, origin, Greenmangaming, gamespot, gamefly, overclockers.net, GPUboss, CPUboss and now Twitch. Lets hope LTT isn't next :(...

  4. DoubleY


    Kill your principal. Problem solved

  5. MangoJuiceStain


    Tor is blocked so I can't go to the silk road and order a hitman :p

  6. DoubleY
  7. MangoJuiceStain


    Guess I'm going to have to do this myself *cracks knuckles* Alright I'll be back in 5 minutes I need to um, "take care" of some things... ;)
