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  1. Username: jonne_sotala Favorite Videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/aBRl_4ZS6 https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy
  2. Okay, I take a look at the suggestions and make changes according to them. Thanks a lot for everyone!
  3. I don't really have a budget but I wouldn't wanna go much over what's in there. The computer will be mostly for gaming but I do store a lot data on my computer and I've seen that I need the SSD space for all my stuff . Not 100% sure about the sound card and I might be able to drop the 4770k for 4670k.
  4. Okay, thanks guys! I will look into getting 780 then .
  5. You guys think getting one 780 would be better than getting two 770s?
  6. Hey, This is what I've been thinking for now. https://www.mindfactory.de/shopping_cart.php/basket_action/load_basket_extern/id/a6f9e3220232724a37d6ce537d100bdd5fe102509924f2a21b9 Asus Z87-Pro Intel Core i7 4770K be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 2 8GB Corsair Vengeance LP Black DDR3-1600 2048MB Asus GeForce GTX 770 DirectCU II OC 256GB Samsung 840 Pro 3000GB WD Green Asus Xonar Essence STX Corsair AX760 Fractal Design Arc XL + one be quiet! fan I have plans that I could then upgrade the rig a bit later with another GTX 770 when the prices will drop a bit more but I'm not 100% sure if the PSU will be sufficient enough for it. 760W is enough? Also, I wouldn't want to spend much of my money on the rig later on so I'm just wondering whether getting two 770s would be a good way to make sure it's gonna run the games that come in the future on quite high settings. Currently I'm playing on a 1080p monitor and probably will for quite some time. How will the driver support be for two 770s on SLI for games let's say like in 2-3 years when they have released 800, 900 ... models? Would the 2GB memory bottleneck the 770s later in the future games? I guess getting a 780 could be an option too but right now I'm not sure how I'm not exactly sure what I should do with the graphics card. I'd just want it/them work well in the future without having to spend much on it later. . I'm not that much into AMD graphics cards either. So what do you guys think about my plans overall and what's your opinion on choosing the graphics card so that it wouldn't cost too much and would be "future proof" for quite a long time. I think the biggest question I have is that how will the cards in SLI scale in the future games when the cards get older. If they won't scale that well in the future I might consider just getting one GTX 780. And yea, I plan on overclocking everything .