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  1. Atleast you gotta touch the car for that ;D
  2. Thanks for bringing this up; seems like its become a big issue for many people now: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook_com/forum/all/outlook-mail-account-unusual-activity/6cfb226f-8cd7-41ae-bd0a-a80d100af543?page=6&messageId=0a15727f-93ca-4455-8643-bc9bfb218006 I'll hope this is covered on media soon so MS has to fix it
  3. I have found which suggest using squid, but there was no real update for 2 years, maybe someone of the tech-savy ppl here can figure something out.
  4. I watch updates most of the time and haven't seen a single one that is less than half the app size.
  5. I don't know what kind of sorcery you're using but AFAIK Google Play doesn't have partial downloads, it always downloads the full app for me.
  6. Hello, 9 months ago i saw the video about a local steam cache (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk1eKPRLaJA) that's what brought me here. Because since then i was thinking to myself "I don't have other gamers in my family so it wouldn't make much sense to do this but what we have in this household are a increasing number of android devices (2 tablets, 3 smartphones and 1 android emulator on pc)" and i'm sure the increase of devices that update mobile apps regularly becomes higher in other households aswell. So i was thinking what if there was a way to cache Play Store updates locally on "first seen" for certain time (Like 1 day maybe idk). At first it doesn't sound much (just a few apps) but it sums up if you think about the fact that mobile apps become bigger and bigger with non-games taking up to over 200MB these days (Snapchat, Tik Tok) and the amount of updates (when i start my phone once a day it updates 10-30 apps). So it would be a really neat thing to have - such a play store (and maybe even Apple Store, who knows) caching server. The only question that remains is the HOW... I've only found a few results with a simple google search (http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1519023 saying that it's not necessary for google because they have a great CDN) and while that might be true, it's always good to save bandwidth (if you have limited bandwith available or you just not want to hog others in your neighborhood so much) So my question to all the experts here is; would it be somehow possible? Even if it won't be easy? And if yes that would make a great video for LTT i think =)
  7. As much as i'd like to take credit for this, i also quoted this from https://r4p3.net/threads/what-is-discord.861/#post-6224