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About jesse13524

  • Birthday February 17

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    I don't even know
  • Interests
    computers are pretty neat
  • Biography
    I am me
  • Occupation
    broke ass bitch

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  1. thank you all who helped and have a wonderful day.
  2. But I was getting 200mbps before and I havn't changed anything.
  3. My friend (also lives in the area) hasn't had any speed issues and we have the same package.
  4. My pc isn't bottlenecking the internet speed, and I have the router wired to my computer via ethernet. I have the 200mbps package but am only getting 100mbps no one else is on the internet and i have no background tasks.
  5. i want to buy a couple of games and they have cheap prices but idk if its safe. with the free thirty days.
  6. I've had my build basically decided on still open to suggestions though ,but I was wondering if i could drop some price to keep the same performance. My build http://pcpartpicker.com/list/8g9qpb . Going to wait till black friday maybe get some off.
  7. there is Ethernet and telephone ports on the router but i cant move the router because the cables are underground and i get 3/5 bars of internet on my computer in my room. i cant just have a long wire going to my room becuase that would involve a busy staircase.
  8. So I can get a telephone wire through from my router to my room, if i just change the end in my room to a ethernet will it transfer internet.
  9. Thank you everyone who gave a reply it's very helpful and made me feel more comfortable with my psu.
  10. http://pcpartpicker.com/list/7LnDcc this is my build. I think the power supply is too much for it, I tried looking at posts to help me but they just confused me more. I would like for my psu to be fully modular but that's not necessary.
  11. Okay I have updated the build i'm done for the night, I have work at 6am tomorrow. Here is the new link http://pcpartpicker.com/list/rQQsXH .
  12. what color do you think i should get this is going to be a gaming pc.