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About MulleyUK

  • Birthday Mar 29, 1998

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  1. Ok thanks for the quick response!
  2. So I've recently been searching for a new CPU seen as though my old one is no where near as powerful as I need it to be. I mainly use my PC for gaming / live streaming & I also like to watch live streams whilst I play but my current CPU doesn't allow me to do that without playing at 30fps. I've come across this on EBay it's brand new: - Intel Core i7 -4771 (currently at £150) I was just wondering if this is a good deal and if it would be compatable with my current build: -current CPU : AMD 5600k quad-core APU 3.6Ghz -need to purchase an LGA 1150 motherboard (let me know if you have any recommendations) -8GB Kingston Hyper X RAM -120GB SSD -MSI 7850 GPU -450w Power supply (only has 4-pin & 24-pin motherboard power cables) Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance...
  3. I recently made a custom backplate for my 7850. I measured up my card & then ordered a piece of metal of Ebay and had them cut it down for me. I then wrapped it in a White carbon fibre vinyl wrap & then stuck a soft layer of foam to the bottom the avoid short circuiting. Unfortunately my Graphics card doesn't have any mounting holes so I used some small double sided sticky square pieces used in card making. This is definitely a ghetto way of mounting the backplate to the card but its work perfectly as long as you leave enough breathing room between the backplate and the card. If you want to see any pictures let me know id be happy to post...
  4. I have just sent him this parts list and he seems pretty happy with it! Thanks for posting...
  5. Do you have any of the same builds in British Pounds (£)?
  6. I have Windows 8 on a USB so I can install that for him & I also said I would give him an old keyboard of mine. Im pretty sure the only thing he needs is the pc itself...
  7. So its about time that my friend got himself a PC to replace his current laptop. I was just wondering if anyone could help him in picking the parts for his first build... Information: -Budget £300 -Plans on using it for Light gaming & designing. -Wants it to be small form factor as he has limited space. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance...
  8. That would be extremely appreciated! Thanks for the help... I was thinking around £70-£80 at the most.
  9. I can finally sleep in peace now knowing there is a solution! & I think I'm going to go with another 7850 as it ran all the games I play very smoothly so I am just on the hunt for a good deal for one...
  10. Just a little update... I've managed to acces my bios, even with the screen being almost impossible to see, and enabled my intergrated graphics. I can now get a connection from all 3 outputs on my motherboard. This means that it is 100% my graphics card that is the problem...
  11. I should be getting paid tomorrow so I'm going to have a search round for a good deal on a similar spec graphics card. However with it being bank holiday Friday/Monday I may not receive the card until Tuesday! *sigh*
  12. I've actually only just tried using a different monitor however it just displays 'No input'. Also after switching back to the other monitor it also now displays 'no Input' rather than the above posted screen!
  13. I've actually just brought and ssd for a new build so I've tried booting it from that and it still displays the same screen. I'm almost 100% sure my GPU is faulty now... No problems with RAM No problems with HDD No problems with CPU (Displays all 4 cores in BIOS) I don't think there is anything left to blame other that a faulty GPU.
  14. Thanks for the reply... I have just checked both of my RAM sticks individual and nothing changes. However I have now got an connection from the HDMI on my GPU but it just displays this on my screen...
  15. So today I've been playing games & watching live streams on my PC like any other day. However today was different... I was in the middle of watching a live stream when both my monitors went completely white! Therefore forcing me to re-boot my PC. Upon re-boot both of my monitors where not detecting any inputs so I opened up my case and had a look. Everything seemed to be fine so I tried swapping from my MSI 7850 to my onboard intergrated graphics. My motherboard has 1 HDMI / 1 DVI / 1 VGA however I could only get an I out from the VGA connection. So I managed to get my bios to flash up on the screen and windows began to boot. After seeing the windows boot logo my screen then went black and powered down. I then decided to swap back over to my 7850 and try the different inputs on that. It has 2 mini display ports / 1 HDMI / 1 DVI & this time I could only get a connection from the DVI. However the display had multiple blue lines going vertically across it. Once booted into the BIOS these bars changed to 2 large blue bars going horizontal down the screen. The same thing happens when rebooting the system. The windows boot-up logo displays and then my monitor black screens and powers down. Is this a problem with my graphics card, like I think it is, and do I need to replace it? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Specs: AMD Quad-Core APU 3.6ghz (Displays all 4 cores in BIOS) Gigabyte GA-F2A55M-HD2 motherboard 8GB Kingston Hyper X RAM MSI HD7850 450W PSU 1TB Seagate Barracuda Hardrive