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About iJohnify

  • Birthday Sep 24, 2000

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    Nevada, United States
  • Interests
    PC, Xbox, Elder scrolls, Fallout, Call Of Duty, Battlefield
  • Biography
    Built 4 PC's but not my own XD, 16 years old PC builder Xbox gamer soon to be PC !
  • Occupation
    High School student

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  1. iJohnify

    Little Rant

    PC and Console war argument, Developers ruining games So I bought and Xbox one recently so I could play with my friends and enjoy some exclusives (Forza). I would love a PC and I could afford one but not the one that I want, A lot of people say that you can get a better experience on a budget PC compared to what you can get on a console which is true and false. Consoles have the problem where the games resolution is too low and it looks blurry and that is how it can achieve the stable FPS or it has great graphics and sub 30 FPS. And the same occurs if you get a PC for the price of a console you have too lower the graphics to console level to run a good frame rate if you get a budget PC you are wasting money you will spend more money upgrading it and not using the parts you started out with to enjoy PC to its full potential they way everyone brags about Great graphics higher frame rate is crap unless you actually have a large amount of money. Iv'e built at least 5 PC'S for friends and family but not one for myself iv'e played on high end and low end machines. So basically what i'm saying is that PC sucks just as much as people say console does unless you spend a lot of money. In the future component manufacturers will make more cost effective and more powerful components like the rx 480 and the gtx 1060 so everyone can enjoy PC even on a budget. So people with budget PC's cant go s****ing on console when their experience isn't that much better. Anyway I like both i'll get a PC when I can actually enjoy it too its full potential, This whole idea came into my mind when I saw battlefield 1 on xbox one and PS4 compared to PC, developers try to make their games with better graphics but it can make the games even less enjoyable for example battlefield 4 on xbox looks good and its plays well on xbox, battlefield 1 looks like sh*t and I would assume plays like trash why cant developers strive to make a more stable and enjoyable game like battlefield 4 with a mix of both graphics and game play. Dice should keep the consoles looking like BF4 and not change the graphics any better and just work on making the game better I played BF4 on PC and xbox and it not a doubt looked better on PC so they should make the better graphics avialibe only on PC and they should stop trying to push the consoles becuase in the long run it just ruins them. I hope you all can relate or if you disagree please explain why don't be hostile and start arguments in the comments. Thank you !
  2. I have intel integrated hd 5500 and its so bad, im saving for a desktop and winning a graphics card would nock alot off the price. Plus 8gb vram lots of space to mod skyrim and fallout
  3. Thank you ill probably get a pc headset and use that spiltter on my astro mix amp so I can have nit stereo
  4. My Xbox one elite console is arriving Wednesday and I need a headset. I've had Astros before and I listened to a mic test on Xbox one and it didn't even sound as good as the mic that comes with the Xbox, any recommendations.
  5. i agree on the look and this will probably be the build i will use thanks i may change a couple things but overall this will be my base.
  6. I have come up with a list of parts that I will later add a gtx 1060 I don't need any ram,OS or peripherals. Should i make any changes to this build I want to play a lot of bethesdas games fully modded and battlefield and some Dayz. This will also be my first PC that ive built for myself. I have a budget of around $650 for all the parts not including the ones I listed above, I would build a PC now but my parents are making me save my $600 i have already saved up for my car so KMS .https://pcpartpicker.com/list/
  7. A i5 4690k isn't and huge jump in performance from the i5 that was around when the gtx 660 was out so you should be fine, and If you plan on overclocking that I5 you might want to get a cooler i'd suggest a Hyper 212 evo.
  8. To be honest I may combine parts from all of your guys's post and make the best I can. Im asking for the cheapest parts for my birthday and the expensive parts like GPU and CPU for Christmas. I have $600 saved up but my Mom wont let me use it since its for my car which is bull i could have a PC now if it wasn't for that ! D:
  9. THANK YOU, I like those builds that you created i'm going to go with the i5 build and maybe change a few things. I don't think I need the I7 for what i'm doing and its cheaper which means I can get it sooner !
  10. This is a great system ! I might be willing to pay more money to have an ATX motherboard
  11. I got it for $30 which would I would have to sell for so cheap on eBay because shipping would take away the value and overall i would end up with like $15 which is not enough for ddr4
  12. I have peripherals and a disk for windows i'm good on all that just the PC with no RAM or GPU the only thing that is holding me back is I have DDR3 so I have to have z97. BTW YOUR BUILD IS JESUS !
  13. Thank you so much this is a good base but I forgot to clarify that I would like a ssd for long loading times in skyrim and fallout and the $700 was not including a graphics card. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ that is what i have so far.