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  1. I know the ml08h is 14 liters and the node 202 being 10.2 liters but how much of a difference does that make in size? Will I be able to fit the node 202 in a large 17” laptop bag? I want to know before I spend money on the node 202 and change from my existing ml08b-h
  2. will this suffice for a build that can play monster hunter world and gtav and skyrim with graphics emb's at high or medium settings?
  3. $200 max is basically what my budget is for any cpu upgrade and $150-$250 max for a gpu is my limit
  4. is the power supply in this planned upgrade crap? https://pcpartpicker.com/list/qzb89J
  5. I was originally thinking of getting something along the lines of a gtx 970, 980, 980ti, 1050ti. 1060, or 1070 if possible
  6. if you guys didn't see the post above.. this is the case I plan on going to for portability and placement under my tv or in a closed in desk
  7. I wanted an expert opinion on my gpu and I get blown up with cpu and psu notifications... did you only see the build links and didn't consider the reason for the post?? I can play gta v at 20-30 fps and skyrim (the 2011 version) plays like a dream... I just want a gpu to run more demanding mods and future games...
  8. the cpu has 3.6ghz with hyperthreading and is also part of kaby lake and the power supply is something that I plan on changing when moving on over to the rvz02 from my current elite 130
  9. I would like an expert opinion on what gpu I should get if I want to do youtube content, playing skyrim legendary edition with graphic emb/gta v with the redux mod and most importantly: monster hunter world on ultra at 30fps or higher if possible... my build: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/YamiRioru/saved/JPHWXL the case upgrade im planning: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/qzb89J
  10. I currently don't have a graphics card yet and would like to start my first pc build with this card
  11. don't have pokemon go because of a lack of an android or ios device but, I'm just going to buy an amazon fire hd and a mobile hotspot and try downloading the apk so I can kill two birds with one stone..