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I decided to play a bit of Fortnite today, and here are my thoughts:


1. Remove shotguns entirely, and it'll make the game more playable.

2. Have a cooldown for building stuff.


Both of these would make Fortnite an acceptable game in my eyes (although I'd still prefer PUBG).

  1. kelvinhall05


    Well, at least nerf them. Right now they are insanely OP, since you can spam space and mouse one.


    And that's the point for the building cooldown. It's just dumb that you're basically invincible from people with way better loot than you because some little wooden wall is protecting you.

  2. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon



    I do feel where you're coming from, but I'm afraid I have to disagree with you about the building cooldown. I'm no Myth or Ninja when it comes to building, but there have been times where I definitely would've died had I not been able to build as quickly as I did.


    The shotgun power is actually pretty realistic if you think about it, in real life all it usually takes to knock someone out of a gunfight is a full shotgun blast to the torso. But I do agree, maybe if they lowered the damage from it just a little bit I would like them a bit more than my current love/hate relationship with them.


    If snipers had less drop, that would also be nice.

  3. Canada EH

    Canada EH

    How much is that game on Steam, because I dont like spending much more then $10 on a game

  4. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    It's not on Steam, and it's free with optional cosmetic purchases @Canada EH


    You get it directly from the publisher, Epic Games.

  5. kelvinhall05


    Fortnite is free, but it's not on Steam (another reason to dislike it).

  6. Canada EH

    Canada EH

    so pay to progress type game if you so choose

  7. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    No, you only pay for cosmetic items.

  8. kelvinhall05


    Same with PUBG, but people still think it's a pay to win game...

  9. Canada EH

    Canada EH

    I spent a lot on this one pay to progress game, I really dont want to add it all up.

  10. kelvinhall05
  11. Canada EH
  12. PCGuy_5960


    And remove bloom and replace it with 100% accuracy and recoil, I'm sick of missing shots even thought they were on target because the RNG decided to screw me over. This system is honestly retarded. 


    (A first person mode would also be nice)
