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  1. Is this CPU and motherboard compatible? http://pcpartpicker.com/list/DKLV7h Someone told me no, but I know pcpartpicker checks compatibility.
  2. Is HD 7850 on-board graphics? That's probably fucking why. Overwatch isn't Solitaire. Buy a GTX 650 or some shit if you're going to play Overwatch.
  3. Probably not, chill the fuck out. He obviously meant RAM. He edited to say 1TB of storage. If he has had a PC before, I doubt he would need someone to entirely build one for him.
  4. @edwar5jm Literally search on Google: "white ddr4 ram" and you'll find some. 16GB right here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4P04BT9584&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC-_-pla-_-Memory+(Desktop+Memory)-_-9SIA4P04BT9584&gclid=Cj0KEQjw4827BRDJvpbVuKvx-rIBEiQA2_CzsFz0AoGoZNlWaGDyXm5cawl8Cp7zYz74Z1YSShh0LaUaAsvR8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds
  5. @Master Sonic Wisebeard Thank you for the response. I'm sticking with my current PSU as it's the same price as each of the lower wattage PSU's people have mentioned; $50. I think it's a good investment as it's the same price and allows for more upgrades later. Thanks for the info. on the CPU! As for the GPU, I've seen multiple sources say the GTX 970 outperforms the RX 480 in gaming and I'm willing to pay the extra price for more performance (also shadowplay). According to one source: Doom 1080p Ultra Settings GTX 970: 101 Avg. FPS RX 480: 84 Avg. FPS GTA V 1080p GTX 970: 89 Avg. FPS RX 480: 83 Avg. FPS (Experienced major stuttering on GTA V)
  6. Quite confused as to how this forum operates. I've managed to collect a range of computer builds for my price range that do not suit my personal needs in my original post. I'll need to stream, record, do productivity, and game. Ignoring my 16GB of ram, changing case to save money, lowering the PSU, downgrading my GPU (to an AMD GPU AT THAT?!?! Disgusting!), ignoring my comment about not needing an HDD, and choosing CPUs that would perform terribly when streaming/editing videos or multitasking. If you want to copy+paste your builds, at least answer one of my questions; Will my chosen motherboard be compatible with my CPU?
  7. Not sure why'd you want some ganky PSU. If you can buy this before tomorrow, do it: http://www.ncixus.com/products/?usaffiliateid=1000031504&sku=97531&vpn=110-B2-0750-VR&manufacture=eVGA&promoid=1221 750W 80+ Bronze certified from EVGA
  8. Hello, everyone! I've recently compiled a list of PC parts that I plan to utilize for gaming, recording/streaming, and average daily functions. I'm no tech expert and I've only owned one other PC that I didn't even build myself so I'd greatly appreciate if this community of tech enthusiasts and gamers could exert some energy by typing and collecting your thoughts to improve, critique, or congratulate my PC build. *I'm especially curious as to whether the PCPartPicker compatibility note listed is a viable warning and I must switch motherboards or if I'm fine. I also would like to know if I would be fine changing the PSU from modular to non-modular and if it will damage my ability to hide cables given the case I chose.* PCPartPicker Link: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/b69RGf (Note: I plan to get my hands on a large HDD, so don't fret on storage.) Thank you for your time!
  9. Razer Blackwidow that I've had for 2 years. The keys have become fidgety, the lights have begun to turn off, and my anger has begun to rise. A fresh new tool to continue my life efficiently is just what I want!