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  1. There's a guy in sweden (as quoted in the video), so remote development is definitely most likely an option.
  2. Seems like a great idea. Is there any need for a penetration tester? (If one is needed, I'm up for anything. Email: hello@mibmab.dk)
  3. bump Because bumping is a good thing.
  4. You could use a program like 3DMark Timespy for benchmarking, but it costs money. (It's also on steam!)
  5. Hi, I just got my hands on an MSI GTX 1060, I installed it and my PC wouldn't run I had no idea what to do, but I clicked a reboot button (my case has one, it might be an override button or something like that) and it started, everything was looking fine but then it said no signal. I thought it was the cabel so I switched to my other HDMI cabel, nothing seems to work. It also takes a long time to shutdown, I have to hold the main power button for quite a long time. I previously had an AMD Radeon HD 6670. I have no idea what to do, so please, any suggestion is appreciated. But I do doubt it has anything to do with ram, as my PC starts fine. Just the no signal error. And no, it's not the monitor. Excuse my poor grammar, I'm pretty nervous.
  6. BUT just gonna say It's fixed, it was a wire problem. My last fan doesn't run but that's ok (because it's cool enough) But for some reason my CPU fan is still at 4000 RPM
  7. No physical fan controlller from what I know atleast. Yep, actually installed it BECAUSE my fans weren't working. Was already told to do by my friend, didn't work.
  8. Just reinstalled the PC, no way there's another fan program on.
  9. They were set to something called 'Level 9' Couldn't go ANY higher. Not even in manual.,
  10. Already tried booting into BIOS and looking at the fans, they looked fine (Except they weren't running AT all.) Still don't know what mobo is, but I'm just guessing it's the general PC as "general_pc"'s fans(?)
  11. I have no idea what Mobo is, but yeah did run before this happend.
  12. Need any pictures, more information. Anything really, just tell me.
  13. So I'm sitting here, programming some C#, then I look to the left of my case and ALL of my fans are off (Except my CPU fan which is at 4231 RPM) They show is BIOS (I think they do, not 100% sure how they look). (BUT I know they show in speedfan so yeah...http://prntscr.com/bffibo) Please.. someone help, I can't even run FireFox with 3 tabs open! I will be updating the information people ask for here: Mobo? Ok, it's a motherboard thing I get it now. Thanks. Were they running fine before this happend? Yes, yes they were.