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  1. What do you consider gaming? LED backlit? Mechanical? Ten keyless?
  2. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824025094 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AZMLIWW/ref=twister_B00OW23WLG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 I think these have what you're looking for. The LG goes off sale tomorrow and the Acer goes a little over your price range.
  3. If you want quieter blues you can get O-Ring sound dampeners for them, they're just small rubber rings that go under the key caps that soften the sound and also shorten the travel time of your keys.
  4. When do the non-reference cards come out?
  5. I kind of don't want to deal with shipping.
  6. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/hT6hPs This is my first PC build and I'd like to know if any of this is too much or too little. For the power supply I don't really want to go overboard on the power. For the motherboard I want to make sure I'm getting good motherboard and not overpaying for features I don't need.
  7. I am a PC noobie, and this maybe an amateur statement but, all I want is a GPU that can run most games at high to max graphical settings at 1080p and 60fps, such as shadows, shading, anti-aliasing, ambient-occlusion and that fancy stuff. Here are some games I want to play with said GPU: Tomb Raider Overwatch Darksouls Metro Bioshock I've googled a bit, and some recommend a GTX 970, but I would really appreciate some feedback and recommendations if possible before I make any decisions. Thank You!