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iluminati the 2nd

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  1. Hi everyone I am planning to upgrade my PC with a new motherboard CPU and ram but I was wondering what the best bang for your buck parts I should get as I am aware that the current state of pc components is pretty high especially if you are Canadian with the current exchange rates. Currently I have picked out a Ryzen 3 3300x with a b450m v2 micro atx motherboard and a Silicon power 16gb ram kit as outlined in the PC part picker list. https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/nNqmmk, The rest of the computer will be comprised of the parts I have in my current system such as psu case fans hard drives and case and GPU. As those parts are still running well and working.
  2. You should be fine the cooler you have is really good but if you want extra assurance get the pro version of the dark rock 4 pro air cooler but the one you have right now will do the job just fine so its really not needed but the option is there
  3. The game is probably really badly optimized so i would test it with other games that have similar system requirements to bf5 to see if in those games the performance is way better if so then its probably just poorly optimized
  4. Its either a slow hard drive or your cpu is at 100% all the time
  5. yeah im gonna have to wait a bit cause its out of stock here
  6. dang if we voted for a drama teacher you guys voted for a kindergarten teacher lol
  7. Can you send link cause its like 443 here in canada https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=Rx+5600xt&i=electronics&ref=nb_sb_noss_2
  8. Sorry i live in canada our economy sucks rn because of our drama teacher